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My sister is always hanging out in my room and I don't know why

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My sister is always hanging out in my room and I don't know why. Sometimes she's annoying but she bought me a new game so I don't care.

"Matteo, what's this?" I glance over at Reyna and my eyes widen when I see what's in her hand.

"Put that back." I grit out, rushing over to her.

"Why do you have fucking weed in your room?" She furrows her eyebrows at me. "Mom and Dad are gonna kill you."

I snatch the packet out of her hand and shove it back into my drawer. "I don't care. Don't say a word." I grumble.

"Let me smoke some with you and I won't tell." She says with a stupid smirk on her face.

I narrow my eyes at her and release a breath. God, she's annoying. "Alright. Fine." I mutter.

"Have you smoked it before?" She asks.


"Then why the hell do you have it?"

"I wanted to try it." I reply, sitting down on my bed.  I'm sixteen and all my friends have tried it.

"Where'd you get it from then?"

"I know a guy," I say. "Is Mom and Dad home?"

"No they'll be back in an hour," She replies. "Can we smoke some now?"

"Okay but make sure they don't notice or we're dead." I say, taking out the weed packet from my drawer.

"Got it." She says, nodding her head.

I take out the rolling paper too and start rolling us two joints. Once I'm done I give her one and light it up for her before doing the same for myself.

Taking a long drag of the joint, I walk over to my window and open them. When I turn around I see Reyna laying down on my bed, blowing out the smoke from her joint.

"I feel good." She giggles and takes another drag as I lay down beside her.

It feels like the room is spinning but I've never felt this good in or my fucking life. I've only taken a few drags and I'm already starting to feel the weed kick in but I guess that's normal when it's my first time smoking it.

Tonight is gonna be a long night.


Reyna and I ordered ourselves McDonalds earlier but I don't know how we ended up with six mcnugget meals. What the hell.

We smoked all the fucking weed too and I can't even think straight. We somehow ended up in the garden laying on the grass beside the pool. I feel like my own head is too big for my body.

"When did you say Mom and Dad were coming back?" I murmur, turning my head to look at her. I'm struggling to keep my damn eyes open but I'm so hungry.

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