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I'm in Italy right now because of an emergency that needed to be taken care of immediately

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I'm in Italy right now because of an emergency that needed to be taken care of immediately. I've been gone for two weeks and I'm finally going back tomorrow. Thank God.

I miss River and the twins like crazy. We've face-timed a couple of times but it isn't the same.

"He asked me to rearrange your meeting with him. Want me to?" Theo asks, shuffling through some paperwork in his hands. He's sitting in front of me at my desk as we're go through our schedule for today.

I run my hands through my hair and ponder for a moment. "When's he available?"

"He said he's only available tomorrow morning." He replies.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and internally groan. "My flight is tomorrow. I don't have time for him."

"Guess you're not getting that shipment then." He says, leaning back in his seat.

I clasp the back of my neck with both hands and huff out a frustrated breath. "I'm not running on his stupid schedule. If he wants the money then he'll meet me today."

"I'll call him to figure something out." He says, getting up from his seat and taking his phone out.

I nod my head in response and watch him leave the room just as my phone starts ringing. I reach into my pocket and take it out, seeing River's name flash across the screen.

"Baby." I say softly as soon as I answer the phone and bring it up to my ear.

"Ace." She says sleepily.

"Are you okay? What are you still doing up?"

"I forgot to ask—" I smile when I hear her yawn, "What time is your plane landing?"

I open my mouth to say something but get interrupted when my office door opens. Theo walks in with a piece of paper in his hands and I raise my eyebrow in question.

"This is the best I could do." He whispers, handing me the piece of paper and leaving before I can say anything.

"Ace?" River's concerned voice rings through my ears.

"I'm here. Sorry." I mutter, unfolding the piece of paper Theo gave me.

Tomorrow morning. 4 am. Was written on the note. Dammit. I was going to board at 7 so I'd get home early. River and I both agreed on that but this damn meeting will most likely run over.

"Well?" She says and I already feel the guilt creeping up inside of me.

I let out a long sigh and crumple up the piece of paper in my fist. "Something came up. I'll be home a little later than intended."

"Seriously?" She groans.

"I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you. I promise."

A moment of silence passes before she finally speaks, her voice soft and quiet. "I miss you, Ace."

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