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When I woke up this morning, I found a note on the bedside table from River saying that she had to leave early this morning for an emergency meeting

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When I woke up this morning, I found a note on the bedside table from River saying that she had to leave early this morning for an emergency meeting. After I read it I went back to bed because normally when River leaves like this, I stay at home with the twins, who don't even get up until the afternoon, the lazy shits.

Couple of hours later, I feel the bed dip as two tiny bodies crawl underneath the blanket and settle beside me.

"Papà, it's time to wake up now." I hear my four year old son say.

"I'm hungry." Reyna whines.

I squint my eyes open see them peering up at me with grins on their faces. They're both wearing their pyjamas still with their hair sticking up in all sorts of directions. I rub my eyes and reach over for my phone on the nightstand and once I've unlocked it, I see that it's one in the afternoon. Fuck.

Sighing, I slowly sit myself up against the headboard and cover my face with my hands so I can take a minute to wake up properly. When I move my hands away from my face, I see Reyna sitting on my lap smiling up at me.

I brushed hair away from her forehead and placed a light kiss there. "Piccolo amore." I muttered, bringing her into my arms.

"Papà." She beams, hugging my neck.

Using my free hand, I bring Matteo into my arms too and peck his cheek. "Ometto."

"Papà." He grins. "Where's Mamà?"

"She's at work." I reply, sitting them down and getting out of bed.

"We can spend the day with you then?" Reyna smiles widely and stands up on the bed.

"Of course." I say, picking her up from the bed and helping Matteo down. "You want to?"

"Yeah!" Matteo screams. It's fine, I don't need my hearing anyways.

"You want to go see Abby today?" I ask them.

"No, I want to stay with you, Papà." Reyna says, shaking her head.

"Me too!" Matteo agrees.

Nodding my head, I walk into the bathroom and sit them down on the sink too before running a bath for them with bubbles. After undressing them, I sit them down in the tub and leave them to play while I quickly brush my teeth.

Finishing up, I leave to grab their towels from their rooms and when I come back I see a big puddle of water on the floor. Shaking my head, I place a mat on the floor and then crouch down beside the tub.

Half an hour later, I have them both washed and dressed. Their soft laughter fills my ears when I playfully throw them onto the bed before walking into my closet to change.

"Papà!" Why this boy is screaming is beyond me.

"What?" I call out, slipping my shirt on.

"Can we go out to eat?" He asks.

𝐃𝐄𝐋 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐎 𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀'𝐒Where stories live. Discover now