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"I left you with one job Matthew

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"I left you with one job Matthew." River grits out as she glares at our son.

She's mad at him because he didn't show up to his and Reyna's presentation, although he promised to go.

"It was only one presentation." He sighs.

"A presentation that could've cost us millions and you didn't show up." Reyna seethes, "Those investors left because of you!"

"I already told you I'm sorry. I don't know what more do you want." He shrugs carelessly.

"Sorry doesn't cut it. I've given you far too many chances." River clenches her jaw in irritation.

"River, it was only one meeting. Give the boy a break." I say and release an exhausted sigh.

"Don't you start." She grits out and points her finger at me, "I'm already pissed that you didn't even show up."

"Don't I start?" I raise my eyebrows and point at myself, "You're yelling at our son over something as stupid as this."

"Oh, our presentation is stupid now?" Reyna scoffs and rolls her eyes.

"You know what? Yes it is!" Matteo snaps.

"Fuck you asshole! You know how hard we worked on this only for you to not show up! Your bullshit apologies don't even sound sincere!" She yells.

"Because they're not!" He retorts.

"You knew how important this meeting was to your sister. Why couldn't you be bothered to show up?" River raises an eyebrow.

"He's a kid for fuck sakes. You can't expect him to take care of every meeting." I say frustratedly.

"I'm not expecting shit from him! This isn't the first time he's done this and he's responsible enough to take care of his own business!" She glares at me. This is tiring.

"Exactly I am responsible so leave me alone!" Matteo says through gritted teeth.

"Responsible my ass!" Reyna scoffs, "You clearly can't handle shit!"

"Oh you're one to talk!" He sends her a cold glare.

"At least she shows up to her own meetings!" River spat out angrily, rolling her eyes.

"Leave him alone." I sigh and run a hand down my face.

"Fuck off Ace. You have no say in this."

"I do if you're yelling at my son for some bullshit like this!" I snap.

"You didn't even care enough to show up either!" She yells.

"Because I don't care!" As soon as those words left my mouth, I instantly regret saying them. I sigh under my breath and reach out to her but she moves away, "Riv—"

"You're such a dick." She shoots me a glare before leaving the room.

"Fuck you both!" Reyna grits out angrily and storms out of the room.

𝐃𝐄𝐋 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐎 𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀'𝐒Where stories live. Discover now