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Walking into the living room, I see Ace and Reyna, who is two, passed out on the couch

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Walking into the living room, I see Ace and Reyna, who is two, passed out on the couch. His arm around her frame, stroking her hair with his thumb in his sleep. They both have matching hoodies on and it's the cutest thing I've ever seen.

They've been napping for a while now and it's still light outside. Matteo is playing outside on the mini playground Ace built in for them.

"Wake up you two." I grin, kissing their cheeks.

Ace pulls her closer to his chest like a protective instinct, and lightly kisses her pink cheek.

"Papà." Reyna whines in her sleep and sniffles.

Ace sighs softly and his mouth parts slightly as he mumbles, "She's sick, Riv."

I furrow my eyebrows in concern and place a hand over her forehead, noticing how it's unusually hot. "Baby, come here. Let me get you some medicine." I say softly and pick her up before walking out the room.

She lays her head down on my shoulder and giggles softly. Looking over my shoulder, I smile when I see Ace blowing her a kiss with a grin on his face.

I walk into the kitchen and get her medicine out of the cabinet. Sitting her on the counter, I grab a glass of water, put it on the side and gently pry her mouth open despite her protests. She hates medicine.

Once I've given her the medicine, I quickly give her the glass of water and she immediately gulps it down.

"You okay?" I murmur, brushing away hair from her forehead and placing a soft kiss there.

She nods her head and lays it down on my chest, closing her eyes and sniffling. I place my hand on the back of her head and lay my cheek on her hair as I comb my fingers through it.

Suddenly, the sound of my son's cries fills my ears and I lift my head up to see Ace carrying him as he tries calming him down by bouncing him slightly.

"Mamà! Mamà!" He sobs and makes grabby hands towards me, "I want Mamà!"

"Matteo," I say in concern, walking over to them, "What happened, baby?" I ask, taking him out of Ace's arms and kissing the side of his cheek.

"He fell over." Ace sighs and frowns, looking at our son with worry.

"What?" My eyes grow wide and I quickly sit him down on the counter, scanning him from head to toe for any injuries, "Where?"

"Mamà." Matteo cries and fists my t-shirt tightly in his tiny hands.

Only then do I notice the cut on his knee. "Shh, it's okay, my sweet boy," I coo, combing my fingers through his hair and kissing his tear stained cheeks, "Mamà's here."

I grab a first aid kit from the cabinet and start cleaning his cut as his cries get louder. I hate it when he cries. It breaks my fucking heart.

"Papà." Reyna giggles, hugging his neck when he picks her up.

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