Matteo's First Game

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Matteo has been playing ice hockey ever since he was two

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Matteo has been playing ice hockey ever since he was two. He's ten now and today is his first game.

"Mamà my bag." He says, running up to me with a grin on his face. The same grin that hasn't been wiped off since this morning. He's been excited for his first game.

"Here baby." I say, handing him his backpack and kissing the top of his head.

I hold his hand and lead him downstairs where Ace and Reyna are waiting by the door.

"You ready little man?" Ace asks, ruffling his brunette hair with a smile.

"Sí Papà! Are you gonna watch me?" He asks, tilting his head.

"Of course." He says, opening the front door for us.

We walk towards the car and get in before Ace drives off to the arena. His school have their own ice hockey team and he wanted to join it so we let him. He has practice four times a week. Some times Ace will go with him and other times I will. But if I'm being honest, Ace goes with him more because Matteo wants him to be there.

I don't mind at all though. I know how much it means to him when his father is there watching him. After all he is the one who got him into playing.


It's kinda crowded in here but not too much. We decided to sit on the benches at the back. Far away from anyones view.

Ace crouches down to Matteo and gives him his helmet. "Do your best, okay? I love you, little man." He says, kissing the top of his head and ruffling his hair.

"I love you too Papà." Matteo grins, taking the helmet off him.

"Mamá can I get a slushie?" Reyna asks, pointing to the snack bar in the corner.

"Of course sweetheart." I say, smiling at her and standing up from the bench.

Before we go, I bend down to kiss Matteo's temple. "Do your best and have fun. I love you mi amor." I say, stroking his cheek with my thumb.

"Ti amo Mamà." He smiles widely.

I smile back and he waves goodbye as Reyna and I go to the snack bar.

"Good luck Matt." I hear Ace say from behind us. Glancing back, I see him pulling Matteo into a hug before releasing him and letting him go to the locker room where his team mates are.

Reyna says she wants a blue slushie so I buy her that and we make our way back to the bench. I sit on one side of Ace and Reyna sits on the other side, happily sipping on her slushie.

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