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smut 😫

smut 😫___________________________________

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It's Theo's birthday. He's turning forty and since he likes to celebrate, he's throwing a party at a club that he owns downtown. He's a party guy. Always has been since high school.

Anyways, the kids are staying at their friends house for the weekend so River and I have the house to ourselves.

We arrive at the club so I park my car and help River out. She's wearing a red silk strapless dress with gold  jewellery and fuck, red really is her colour. I love it on her. I love everything she wears but red is my favourite.

Intertwining our hands together, I lead the way towards the entrance and once we're inside we immediately see everyone in the VIP lounge. Even Chase and Kenji came down.

"Damn you two are late," Theo says as soon as we make it to the lounge, "I didn't think you guys were gonna show up."

"Of course we were." River says, sliding into the seat next to him. "It's your birthday, idiot."

"Glad you made it." He smiles against the rim of his whiskey glass and then takes a sip.

"You old motherfucker." She teases him and ruffles his hair as he rolls his eyes at her antics.

"Alright, don't rub it in. I'm sad enough already." He sighs dramatically and drops his head down to Alea's shoulder.

She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses his temple. "So dramatic."

"Drinks on me." I say to him, knowing it'll make him feel better.

He lifts his head up and grins. "Free drinks? I feel better."

"Of course." I scoff, sitting down next to River.

"Make his pockets hurt." Chase says, sitting up in his seat and clasping his hands together.

"Shots it is then." Kenji says.


It's safe to say that we're done drinking for the night but we're all driving home so we have to sober up before we leave. I'm already ready to go but I have no idea where the hell River is.

Alea is knocked out on the couch with her head in Theo's lap.

"What a birthday." Theo chuckles, leaning his head back against the couch.

"I'm gonna get going." Kenji says, getting up from his seat. "Happy birthday, Theo."

"Thanks man. Drive safe." He shoots him a lazy smile and shakes his hand goodbye.

"I'm going too." Chase says, standing up with a yawn. "Happy birthday dude."

"Thank you. Drive safe." Theo replies, fist bumping him before he leaves with Kenji.

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