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"Why do you have to pick a fight with me right before we leave?!" Ace yells, throwing his hands up in frustration

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"Why do you have to pick a fight with me right before we leave?!" Ace yells, throwing his hands up in frustration.

"It's not my fucking fault you didn't tell me who was going to be there!" I shot back, glaring at him.

"I didn't make the goddamn guest list River!" He snarls, yanking his car door open.

"But you knew!" I point my finger at him, "You bastard! You know how many stuck up bitches are going to be there! They're gonna be kissing your ass all night Ace!"

"I wasn't going for them dammit! But now I'm reconsidering my fucking decision!"

"Is that how you wanna be?! Fine!" I open his car door, get inside and slam the door shut. I'll fucking show him.

Seconds later, the smell of his expensive cologne fills my nose as he slams his car door shut and starts up his engine. Wordlessly, he swerves out of the gates and speeds down the road.

There's a muscle in his jaw ticking so tightly I'm afraid it might break out of his skin. His hardened gaze stays fixated on the road as his hand grips the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles turn white.

I keep my gaze fixed on the window, not wanting to even look at him because he's pissed me off enough already. And I might just snap his damn neck if he as so much breathes the wrong way.

The tension in the air thickens as minutes go by. I catch him staring at my bare legs every now and then. I also catch him glancing at my tightly fitted black dress that highlights my curves perfectly.

To tease him even more, I cross my leg over my other one, making my dress ride up a bit to expose more of my thigh. I smirk internally when I hear the slight change of his breathing but he says nothing.

Good because I don't want to speak to him. Asshole.

Finally arriving at the gala, Ace drives pass the gates and parks his car amongst all of the other expensive ones that are here. We get out, slamming the door shut behind us and walking towards the entrance.

I try not to get irritated when he places his hand on the small of my back when we walk through the entrance doors together but I know it's so everyone won't be suspicious. Plus, I don't feel like answering their questions about my personal life.

Despite being pissed at him, his touch always lights sparks inside of my body. The heat radiating of his palm lingers on my back as he brushes against it ever so lightly.

"Mr Del Rosso, so glad you could make it." An older gentlemen greets us by the door and shakes Ace's hand with a welcoming smile.

"You were very persistent." Ace replies, his tone bored and void of any emotion like he could be doing anything better than be here to make small talk with his business associates.

The man chuckles. "Of course," His eyes move down to me and then back to Ace's, "I'm assuming this is the missus?"

His jaw ticks and he responds by giving him a curt nod.

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