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My Dad has always been very protective of me which is why the prank I'm about to pull on him may be a little risky

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My Dad has always been very protective of me which is why the prank I'm about to pull on him may be a little risky. He's gonna be pissed beyond words because I'm gonna tell him I'm pregnant. I'm not. Definitely not. Way too young for that shit. Plus, I hate kids.

Anyway, I found him working on his laptop in the living room so I take a seat on the couch and think of how I'm gonna start this thing off.

"Dad I need to tell you something." I start off.

"I'm listening." He says with his gaze still fixated on his laptop's screen.

"I'm pregnant Papà." I say and silently start praying the second those words leave my mouth.

"You better be joking Reyna." He says, clenching his jaw.

"I'm not." I am.

His fingers hover over his keyboard and he ever so slowly turns his piercing eyes towards me and pins me with a glare. I've never seen so much anger on his face before.

Alright. Well, I'm dead.

"Surely my daughter isn't that irresponsible." He says lowly, placing his laptop on the side of him and getting up from the couch.

"I'm sorry. What do I do, Dad? I'm scared."

"First you're gonna give me that damn phone of yours and walk your fucking ass upstairs," He sneers. "Cosa diavolo stavi pensando Reyna?"

(What the hell were you thinking)

"It was an accident." I mutter, fidgeting with the sleeve of my sweater.

"You're 16 for fuck sakes," He pinches the bridge of his nose and places a hand on his hip. "You have your whole life ahead of you."

"I didn't mean for this to happen Papà," I stand up from my seat. "I don't know what to do."

"But it did happen," He snaps as his gaze crucifies mine. "Because you weren't careful."


"Who even is the bastard that got you pregnant? Huh?" He says, his voice deep and rough.

"Some guy."

"Oh some guy?" He clenches his jaw and raises a brow. "Just wait til your mother hears about this.
Give me your fucking phone and go to your room. Non voglio sentire un'altra parola da te."

(I don't want to hear another word from you)

"But I have to tell you something else."

"Jesus fuck." He mutters under his breath and sighs
as he runs his hands through his hair stressfully.

"It was a prank. I'm not actually pregnant Papà," I say. "I would fucking cry if I was."

"Thank God." He whispers and breathes a sigh of relief.

"Got you."

"That's wasn't funny," He grumbles. "You nearly gave me a damn heart attack."

"But I didn't." I grin and flop back down on the couch.

"Well you stressed me the fuck out," He says. "I might actually end up having grey hairs because of you."

"Dramatic ass."

"Annoying ass." He retorts, rolling his eyes.



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