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This week has been hard

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This week has been hard. Especially today. The twins, who are one, have been a little difficult. They won't stop crying, throwing tantrums, making a mess. It's chaotic.

"Ace can you come home? The twins won't stop crying. I've tired everything. Feeding them, changing their diapers, rocking them. Nothing's working." I cry through the phone.

Ace has been at work and I didn't want to disturb him by telling him to come home early because I simply cannot do it anymore. He said to call him whenever I need him and he'll be there but so that's what I did.

"River, baby, calm down," He speaks calmly through the other line. "I'm on my way. Breathe, love. Can you do that for me?"

The twins' cries get louder and it's so hard to calm down when they're like this and I have no idea why.

"I—I don't know what to do."

"I'm right here, beautiful. You're not alone. You're never alone," He says softly and I can hear the slamming of a car door in the background. "I'll be home as soon as I can. Try putting the twins in separate rooms. See if that helps."

I do what he says and pick Matteo up, placing him in his crib in the nursery. He stares up at me with teary eyes and his cheeks are so pink from hard he has been crying.

"They won't stop Ace." I stress.

"Their little lungs," He sighs. "How long have they been crying for?"

"Couple of hours now."

"Put Reyna on the phone." He tells me so I walk back into our room and walk towards our bed where she is lying down.

I put the phone against her ear and listen as he speaks to her. "What's wrong, princess? Hm? Why are you giving Mamà a hard time?" He keeps his tone soft whenever he talks to her and I breathe a sigh of relief when her cries down to small whimpers. "Let her rest, okay? Papà's here angel."

While he continues to speak to her, I go and check up on our son to find that he's no longer crying. He's sitting in his crib staring up at me with his innocent blues eyes. His cheeks are wet from his tears and I quickly wipe his face clean before picking him up.

I feel like a failure for not knowing how to take care of my own babies. I'm exhausted. They're my kids, how could I not know what they need?

I hear the front door open and close followed along with footsteps. Ace's voice echoes through the hall and I feel all the stress of today melt away already.

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