Chapter 49

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Clear porridge and side dishes [farming]


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 49

    It is impossible to talk about this matter in a village. Li Ji nodded, turned around and shouted into the room: "Er Gouzi? Come out."

    When Er Gouzi came out, his hands were still wet, and he looked at Li Ji blankly.

    "There's a bum in the village, let's go and have a look. If it's really difficult, you can beat him up." After finishing speaking, Li Ji tidied himself up and wanted to go with him.

    Er Gouzi wiped his hands and came over and said, "I'll just go, rest if you feel uncomfortable."

    The village chief looked at Li Ji after hearing Er Gouzi's words: "What's wrong? Did you let Dr. Xue see it?"

    Li Ji's smile froze. Said: "It's all right, Er Gouzi is not at ease. Er Gouzi, you can go."

    Li Ji went back to the house to take over the unfinished work of Er Gouzi, and warned in a low voice: "Go out Don't talk nonsense."

    Er Gouzi nodded.

    Li Ji watched Er Gouzi leave with the village head, and went back to the house to continue working.

    After half an hour, no one came back. Li Ji was worried and wanted to go out to have a look. As soon as he left the door, he saw someone approaching not far away, and called fourth uncle from a distance.

    "My fourth uncle, go over and have a look!"

    Li Ji's heart skipped a beat, he didn't understand what could happen if he chased someone out: "Has someone died?"

    "That's not the case." The man gasped Angrily, "I went to chase someone away today, but the man stole a hoe from someone and refused to leave. A girl went over to see him and said a few disgusting things. She was just scolding him at first. Poppi doesn't know where he got the scolding from, don't mention how ugly the words are, it's only natural for the old Zhang's family to take over the house, and they said that they should either leave or leave the house for him." There is nothing wrong with this, but I want

    to That Poppi must have no money in his pocket for being able to snatch the house, and the Zhang family said this to make it nice. It’s not that they don’t really give people a way to live.

    "And then?" Li Ji asked.

    "No one imagined that the rogue would suddenly get into trouble and throw a hoe at the Zhang family. Fortunately, Er Gouzi stopped him and beat him up. I was thinking about whether to report to the police, but the The bastard (the bastard) suddenly yelled that he must report to the official, and said that his relatives worked for the county master. Reporting to the official made us unable to eat. The village was discussing how to do it. Er Gouzi is Your man, you are an elder, how to solve this matter, how to decide, can’t be done without you.”

    Li Ji is not an elder in vain, and it’s not in vain that he is comfortable in the village and no one is provoked. Li Ji had to be taken out when the elders were needed to show up, regardless of whether it was needed or not. This time Li Ji can be regarded as the protagonist of the matter, after all, he let Er Gouzi go.     "Do you really believe it? If you really have relatives by the county master's side, why would you run into our ravines? It's hard to drink water in our village, but he was wronged. If you really have that ability, you can't be kicked out by the original villagers."     Li Ji's young age doesn't mean he's stupid, it's easy to understand such a simple thing.     "Actually, the village head thinks the same way. He's not afraid of 10,000 yuan, just in case. No matter how this matter is resolved, you are indispensable." The two went all the way to the west of the village. There were not many people in the village, and there were only two or three empty     houses One, I don't know why I was taken by this hooligan.     From a distance, the hooligan could be heard shouting: "You have the ability to kill me! Let me tell you, I'll wait until the county to see how I deal with you! I'll ask my second uncle to arrest you all and send you to prison. If you don't believe me, just watch!"     Li Ji glanced across the crowd, Er Gouzi was tall and strong, and he could see it at a glance. At this time, Er Gouzi was stopped by two people, with impatient anger on his face. I have lived with Er Gouzi for almost two years, and this is the first time I saw Er Gouzi have such an expression.     When Li Ji came over, someone yelled that the fourth uncle is coming, and the people automatically moved out of the way for Li Ji to go straight to the middle.     The elders in the village were all there, frowning and saying something, when they saw Li Ji's face beaming with joy: "Xiao Ji is here?"

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