Chapter 70

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Clear porridge and side dishes [farming]


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 70

    Li Ji's side gradually put the rabbits out of the cage one by one into a specially built large animal pen, fed them during the day, took the feed directly from the feed warehouse next to them, and locked them with a lock at night.

    It can't be said to guard against the villagers. If there are wild animals coming down from the mountain, there is a lock so they can't get in anyway.

    Li Ji and Er Gouzi had a good time for a few days, and when they met a few people who borrowed money, they didn't pay much, and they borrowed money for three or five dollars. When they came to the door, they first said that they had borrowed Ergouzi before, and they borrowed money if they had any difficulties at home. Will definitely pay back in the future.

    Li Ji knew that this matter should not be the first of its kind. The money borrowed from Ergua will never come back. If the debt is released again, and the debt is collected again, they will come up with such stupid words as "Ergua's family will pay us back."

    Then there is no end. Three or five families "borrowed" money, and the whole village came to borrow money. Li Ji, even a banker, couldn't stand this.

    In the end, Li Ji simply put down his words and said that if he wanted to borrow money, it would be fine. Instead, he would go to the city tomorrow to find someone who could read and write down the IOU. How long would it take to pay it back? When will it count.

    Li Ji just thought of this method, and the faces of those who came to borrow money changed when he said it.

    "You see, don't you see outsiders by saying this, and you are not outsiders. We are in a village, and there are not many silver coins, so there is no need to write any IOUs." Putting on the hat of one's own family, it is still moral to put it bluntly

    . kidnapping. I don't know how many people are stuck in this sentence. When borrowing money, it's useless to go to the government to sue if you don't have an IOU if you touch your lips.

    "Then you can blame me, the unlucky boy, for having a relationship with your own family. I was cheated of five renminbi earlier, and I learned a lesson. You said that I couldn't trust you if I issued an IOU, but you didn't even issue an IOU, so I don't know." I thought you were here because you didn't want to pay back the money." Li Ji said half-jokingly, and took out a blank piece of paper.

    "If you're really in a hurry to use the money, you can take the silver." Li Ji pointed to the corner, "Leave a fingerprint first, and I'll find someone to fill in the words on the note later. Don't worry, I won't be too much Write a penny. My family’s money is not blown by the wind, and you don’t need to talk about me, a lonely child, to support a grown-up, and you can’t be ranked in terms of preaching.” As soon as I finished speaking, the inkpad and white paper were all gone

    . Ready, press the fingerprint and take the money and leave. If you refuse to press it, it means that the family is not in such a hurry to spend money, just leave, and Li Ji will save trouble.

    The face of the person who came to borrow money was pale, and he wanted to say a few more words with the pressure of "a village", but he had already pressured him with his seniority. Even the preaching between the same generation is to the point, almost enough, and it is a crime for the younger generation to say one more sentence.

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