Chapter 61 Planning Planting 【Six Thousand】

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Clear porridge and side dishes [farming]


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 61 Planning Planting 【Six Thousand】

    After a few days, a pig was slaughtered at home, and Li Ji didn't know how to make blood, so he asked the old man in the village to come over and make blood sausage, and he would give him two catties of meat as a reward.

    This can be said to be a pie that fell from the sky, and everyone who falls into it will be happy.

    It took two hours to disassemble a fat pig. At this time, there were only three pigs left in the family, two males and one female. If one male and one female were left for breeding pigs, one pig would definitely not be enough to eat. Yes, I'm going to buy some more piggies. The family consumes a lot of meat, Li Ji can't eat much, the key is that Er Gouzi eats a lot.

    After being in the village for a year, Er Gouzi is still very good at eating meat. Although he can eat some vegetarian dishes, he is far from eating as much meat. Every time I saw Er Gouzi eating meat, Li Ji couldn't help but envy him for having such a good stomach. If it was Li Ji, eating so much meat would definitely hurt his stomach.

    There are only two pieces of sauerkraut left at home, and I will have to wait for the next year to eat after eating. Just stew sauerkraut with blood sausage, add a handful of vermicelli, and it's a pleasure to eat a meal.

    Li Ji finished his lunch and worked all afternoon to marinate the pork legs into ham. I have done it twice before, and the effect is not bad. Now that I have pork legs at home, I am busy making ham. That is, the pork front legs have less meat and can be stewed I ordered pork knuckle in sauce to satisfy my gluttony.

    In the whole village, Li Ji is the only one who can smell the meat from time to time. Generally, if people eat meat twice a month, they can be regarded as rich and rich in the village. For any young man who can raise a few more chickens in his family and buy few eggs, he will give priority to marrying his daughter.

    Li Ji's life here is prosperous, and there are many people who feel itchy. But these two people are hard to win, let alone Er Gouzi. Before the old man went out in person, he didn't tell Er Gouzi to marry him. If others want to marry him, they have to weigh themselves. Li Ji has another restraint No matter how greedy the family is, they are not willing to let their daughters die.

    And even if he really didn't care about his daughter and wanted to help his son with more money from Li Ji's family, he wouldn't dare to come to him on the cusp of this kind of crisis.

    Last time it rained for three days in a row, and the dry soil could not be seen when a hoe went down in the ground, which meant that the land was thoroughly watered, which was a good thing for the villagers.

    It’s not the time to plant the land yet, but it’s good to see that the land is not short of water. The water seeps into the ground and is not easy to lose. Even if it doesn’t rain in the future, the seedlings will come out after planting the seeds.

    The stream was turbid for a few days, and gradually cleared up, and the water flow was getting stronger and stronger. The villagers couldn't wait to fetch water. Some people didn't wash their clothes in half a year, so they took advantage of the current time to wash their clothes to their heart's content.

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