Chapter 67 The True Essence of the Golden Tortoise

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Clear porridge and side dishes [farming]


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Chapter 67 The True Essence of the Golden Tortoise

    As soon as Li Ji's words came out, the woman had a smile on her face. Just as she was about to speak, Li Ji continued the conversation:

    "This time you sent it here without calculating the weight, and we can't let you carry it back. But I It's also a small business, and the money is the hard-earned money of me and Er Gouzi. How about this, I will give you a penny for a catty and a half, and next time you will send more than half a catty, even two and a half catties. It’s money, and it’s not going to hurt our two children. You say it is right.”

    Li Ji said straight away. Li Ji is an elder in the village, and he is still unmarried at the age of nineteen. Although he is not young, he has no Marriage is considered a child. After these words are pressed, who is willing to entangle with half a catty of grass?

    Maybe it's because Li Ji's life is so good that the village has forgotten Li Ji's identity. He is an orphan without father and mother, without the love of his parents, his elder brother is dead, and he lives with a poor nephew who is also an orphan. If he didn't have the money he earned, the two of them might still be hungry.

    You can't just cheat two orphans who didn't have a family just because they made a few more taels of silver.

    The woman choked for a bit, she didn't take advantage of it, and she couldn't just leave with a bad face, so she nodded and handed over a penny, then turned around and left quickly.

    Li Ji took Er Gouzi's class, but neither of them is a master who can take advantage of others. Er Gouzi absolutely carried out Li Ji's words, he didn't know anyone except Li Ji, he didn't talk about anyone's feelings, and he couldn't talk him out of his mouth.

    And Li Ji is even more difficult to deal with. If you type one sentence and wait for ten sentences, and just talk about it, it is Li Ji's kindness to prevent you from losing money.

    In this way, more than 500 catties of hay were collected in one day, and some people were more diligent and delivered more than 30 catties of hay at one time, which earned 15 Wen.

    It cost nearly 300 Wen this day, but Li Jihua was very happy. With so much grass, he and Er Gouzi could save a lot of work and raise more rabbits. Rabbits are raised, and one or two rabbits can earn back the money for buying grass today.

    There is a simple warehouse behind the cattle pen, which is dedicated to storing livestock feed. The hay is almost full, and there will definitely be a lot tomorrow, and more space needs to be vacated for storage.

    The warehouse was not built in a day, so Li Ji simply put the place where the hay will be harvested tomorrow in the old house. A young and strong man built a warehouse that could store tens of thousands of catties of hay directly on the west side of the yard. He thought that he would use it frequently in the future, so he bought bricks to build it.

    The village is basically full of thatched houses. Li Ji's house here is not only made of bricks, but also warehouses. I don't know how many people are envious and jealous.

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