Halfway Party

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Warnings - dom female, scratching, dry humping, teasing, sub Timmy, unprotected sex

Timothée and I had been together almost a year now. Although he was probably the most beautiful human to ever grace the planet, sometimes our bedroom shenanigans could be very mundane. It wasn't as if I didn't enjoy every time, trust me, I did, but it was predicable.

I'd turn him on or he'd turn me on in some way, he'd get on top of me, a little foreplay, then he was fucking me. We never really changed positions, and he was always on top.

I had never expressed this, for fear of scaring him off, but I usually enjoyed being the more dominant one. I'd discovered this a long time ago, but I never thought any boy would want that.

However, we had just said "I love you" to each other for the first time. Plus, we were celebrating the fact that I was officially halfway done college this weekend. I thought that maybe this would be the best time to approach the subject.

On the night of my "halfway party" I was feeling guilty as hell. Timothée had already given me a new dress, a decadent bracelet, plus paid for all the food for the party. Maybe it wouldn't be fair to ask a new sexual act of him that he may or may not want. I kept telling myself not to think that way, a relationship was a give and take. He wouldn't be scandalized that I wanted to try something new.... hopefully. Also, I didn't have to earn the ability to talk about my preferences, I needed to stop thinking that way. Still, I was scared.

I might have lost my nerve if it wasn't so obvious through the night that Timothée was horny as hell for me. Maybe others couldn't tell, but the strain in his jeans had started when I had come out in my form fitting black dress. He was also being rather handsy, fingers moving up and down my arms. He pushed himself as close to me as possible during the night. His eyes were dark with such a lust that it made my body ache and my cheeks redden.

Finally, my friends and family had all filed out. Timothée and I were alone. My knee was jumping nervously and I couldn't keep my hands still.

"I suppose I should clean up," I squealed, making to get off the couch. Timothée's arms immediately surrounded me and held me in place.

"To be honest," he said, his hot breath making chills run down my spine. "I had other plans." He nipped at my neck and it just made me want to pin him down and take him all the more.

"Timmy, I have to tell you something," I managed to get out.

His carnal actions immediately stopped and he pulled back. His green eyes darted over my face, trying to sus out the meaning behind my words.

"What?" He asked, and I swore I heard fear in his voice.

"Oh baby," I kissed his quickly. "It's nothing bad, just something I'm a bit nervous to say."

"Oh," his whole body relaxed, and he grinned lazily at me. "Baby you can tell me anything, don't be nervous."

"Okay," I looked him dead in the eye. I wanted to properly gauge his reaction, I didn't want him doing this just to indulge me.

"I have realized, over the course of my life, that there's something that really turns me on."

Timothée sat up straighter, eyes locked on my face. I didn't dare look down, but I believed his cock was probably hardening even further in his pants. That look of concentration always meant pleasure would be coming my way.

"I-I like to be more dominant, and in charge in the bedroom. I really get off to the feeling of power. I know that might not be your thing-"

I cut myself off, sucking in a breath as I looked into Timmy's eyes. I was surprised to see his pupils blown out with lust. He was biting his lip and I could see his hand, fingers twitching to touch himself.

NSFW Timothée Chalamet One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now