Far Away

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Warnings - guilt, crying, phone sex, masturbation

Pairing - Timothée Chalamet/Fem!reader

"This is the fifth time I've called, I'm not trying to be over bearing, but is everything alright?" I left the voice message on my husband's phone. It wasn't always easy being married to a famous actor. I couldn't follow along with him this time since we'd just had our first kid. Little Madeline was fast asleep in her bassinet on the other side of the room.

Thankfully, for me, as a first time mommy, Madeline was an angel. She slept well, ate well, and was very cheery. Timothée had been with me solidly for the last four months of pregnancy, and the first four months after her birth, but unfortunately, he couldn't miss anymore work. Madeline was so easy that I didn't need much of his help, though he did adore to help. No, it was the missing him that was the hardest, not the childcare. With my hormones still a bit wacky, I was very worried that he'd missed our daily 6PM call. He'd missed it so badly in fact, that dear little Madeline had fallen asleep before she could say goodnight to daddy over zoom.

My phone buzzed and I eagerly grabbed it. My heart leapt when I saw the caller.

"Hi baby," I said quietly.

"She's asleep isn't she?" He asked.

"I put her down thirty minutes ago," I told him.


"What happened?" I asked.

"They asked me to shoot an extra scene. I thought it was going to be super simple so I said yes. It took hours longer than intended."

I could hear the exhaustion in his voice. I felt almost guilty. Usually, he was so excited about filming, but ever since I'd gotten pregnant, he seemed like his passion had fizzled a bit. I couldn't help but blame myself a little. He wanted to be home with me and Madeline so bad that his heart wasn't in his career.

"Baby, I am so, so sorry," I said, and I felt like an idiot when my voice cracked. Tears welled in my eyes as I imagined my tired, lonely boy in his hotel room.

"Angel, what is the matter," he asked.

"You're going to think it's stupid," I said.

"No, I won't, please tell me."

"I feel guilty. You aren't enjoying your work because of me. I want you to be happy," I told him.

"Babbbby," he made the word long.

"That is the opposite of the truth. I think I have the best life in the world. Look at me, I have my dream job, my dream girl, and my girl gave me a daughter that I love like crazy. I don't resent you or hate you. Yes, work is hard sometimes because I want to be with you, I want to be with Madeline, but that doesn't mean I'm unhappy. How could I complain when I have everything I want?"

I was truly crying now. He always knew what to say.

"I just miss you. Madeline isn't even hard to deal with, but I miss you like crazy."

"I know how you feel. As happy as I am about this role I got, I still think about you all the time."

"Do you, do you," I couldn't get the words out.

"Do I what Angel?" He asked kindly.

"Do you touch yourself when you think about me?" I whispered. "I've had to get a new fucking vibrator because I miss you so much. I miss you in every way a person can miss someone."

"Fuuuuck, Mon Amor," he groaned. We'd never done this, nudes, yes, but phone sex, no. I was now wondering why the hell not.

"You have no idea the hold you have on me," he told me. I moved to the bathroom, feeling guilty about the filthy things I wanted to say with my baby in the room.

"I just want to feel you again. Your cock is so perfect. You fuck my in just the right ways. I want to feel you sink into me. I want to suck you off, I want to ride you, I want to fuck you in every way possible."

"Do you remember when you were pregnant?" He asked and I knew where he was headed. I'd been horny EVERY day. He'd been kind enough to oblige. I swear he'd eaten me out and fucked me in every position, and every place possible.

"Yes," I said, as I swiveled a finger over my clit.

"You were so ready, so needy. Is that how you're feeling now?" He asked.

"That is exactly how I'm feeling now," I said in a sultry tone.

"I want to take care of you so bad, but you're going to have to help me okay?"

"It'll never be the same as the real you," I whined.

"I know baby, just like my stupid hand will never compare to you, but it's all we got."

I made a noise of agreement.

"Okay my love, I want you to put one finger inside yourself, can you do that for me?"

"Yes," I said shakily, as I did as he said.

"Don't move it yet, I'm going to get my cock out for you," he said and the words made me moan. There was a jingle of his belt on the other side of the phone.

"There we go," he said, relief in his tone. "I'm stroking my cock, so now I want you to insert another finger, and move them for me."

I whimpered as I inserted another finger into myself. I let out a groan as I began to pump them in and out, curling them to hit the right spot.

"That's my girl, does it feel good?" I could hear the change in his breathing.

"Yes," my voice was high pitched with need.

"Pretend it's me baby, imagine I'm right there making you feel good."

I closed my eyes, trying to imagine my small fingers were his longer ones. I tried to imagine his breath ghosting over me as he pleasured me. I knew he would be dripping with arousal at the sight of me on display for him, fingers moving in and out of me.

"Oh baby, you have me so worked up," I moaned.

"You have no idea the way you make me feel," he was panting.

"There's something I need you to do for me Mon Amor, can you do it?" He asked.

"Anything," I breathed as I arched up into the delicious feeling. "Anything for you."

"I need you to put your phone on speaker, and hold it by your pussy so I can hear you," he demanded. I shuddered at his filthy request.

I clicked the speaker button and moved my fingers in and out of me at a rapid pace so he could hear my wetness.

"Thank you baby," I heard the heat in his tone. "Fuck I'm gonna cum," he said next.

"Ah, ah, ah,... shit," I knew he had finished, and I held the phone up to my ear again.

"Knowing I have that much of an effect on you is so hot," I moaned to him.

"Of course you do," he cooed. "Now let's take care of my girl."

"I need to to arrange your hand so you can fuck yourself with your fingers, and press on your clit at the same time."

I did what he said, and cried out as I put pressure on my clit. He was egging me on over the phone. His beautiful voice telling me how much he loved every part of me.

"Wish I could be there, sucking on those tits, fucking your beautiful pussy. I need to make you mine again."

"I'm always yours," I panted.

"That's right baby, you belong to me and I belong to you. The only girl in the world that gets my cock is you, because you're the best."

The praise pushed me over the edge. I said his name over and over again. I was shaking as I worked myself through my orgasm. When I was done I sighed contentedly.

"Thank you baby," I said. "I haven't had an orgasm that good in a while, though it's still nothing compared to you."

"How old does a baby need to be to fly?" He asked as I washed my hand.

"I think the doctor's recommendation is 3 months, why?"

"I've gotta get you two out here, I can't take this anymore."

"Oh, Timmy, I'd love that more than anything!" I squealed.

NSFW Timothée Chalamet One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now