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Jack was surprised as he asked, "why would you go that far for her? She's a hunter that will never change and her parents will never accept her being with a shifter. She will have to marry a hunter. do you really want her to have to choose her family or you?" Gray looked back at the door and said, "if she chooses to marry a hunter, I will be happy for her so long as she is safe and happy that's all that matters to me." Jack got mad he didn't understand why Gray would risk his life to save Embers but was willing to step aside if she chose to marry a hunter instead of fighting for her. Jack then said, "why would you be happy for her? Don't you want to be by her side?" Gray looked at him a little confused as he said, "of course I want to but as you said, it would never be accepted even if I tell her how I feel about her and she feels the same it wouldn't matter. If the hunters find out then they will come after me and her. the shifters would too, the only way we could be together without them getting mad is if I claimed her as mine but even then, she would have to accept the claim."

Jack said, "I won't advise that though, even if she accepts, do you really think they're going to just let her go?" Gray knew Jack was right but still he thought he might try one day. at least then they can't take her from him without breaking the treaty and she wouldn't have to listen to them anymore. Gray looked at Jack and said, "I know you're right but I will still protect her as long as she wants me to. what does it matter to you anyway?" Jack said, "I'm just trying to understand why you protect her. you have done a lot to keep her safe. just recently you got stabbed by her and forced to sacrifice her. you went to hell without a second thought to save her. why did you kiss her you could have 

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