Chapter 8

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Amelia had wandered into Valentine the next day with Astrid. She was definitely feeling better than what she was yesterday. She carried pride in her step as she led Astrid towards the sheriffs office. She tethered her and drew her rifle from her saddle before slinging it over her back and pushing her long curly blonde hair behind her. She opened the door and immediately her mood went downhill.

"You don't learn, do you?" She hissed.

Arthur stared at her with an expression that could kill.

"I wasn't here to take a bounty, Miss Davis. I'm here asking directions to Chadwick Farm," he pushed past her out the door. He stopped in the doorway and looked back at the woman. "Don't assume shit cause of yesterday, Amelia." He slammed the door, leaving her alone with the sheriff.

"I didn't even give him directions!" Sheriff Molloy yelled. "He doesn't know where to go!" He stood from his desk and jogged towards the door. "Hey! Wait up!"

Amelia shook her head as the door slammed. She looked over at one of the deputies. Deputy Stanford. He held his hands up. "Posters on the wall." He nodded to it.

Amelia turned around and took the poster down. "Lindsey Wofford, Lemoyne Raiders," Amelia paused and looked up at Stanford, "Raiders are part of Lemoyne, not New Hanover."

"Sheriff Gray wanted to see you, so he sent us this poster for you to take."

Amelia hummed and shoved the poster in her pocket. "I'll go pay him a visit, then."

Amelia headed out of the office and towards Astrid. She climbed up and just as she was about to leave, Sheriff Malloy came up to her.

"Did my deputy tell ya what we wanted?" He asked.

Amelia nodded. "Sheriff Gray wanted to see me?"

"Yeah," he stood straight, "I sent out a word for ya." He cleared his throat. "He knows how good of a bounty hunter you are, Amelia."

"Appreciate it." She said before turning Astrid and heading towards Lemoyne. She trotted slowly towards the train station. She decided to take a stagecoach to Rhodes instead of riding. "Could you take me to Rhodes, sir?" She asked, holding out a wad of cash.

"Sure thing," he accepted the money and held open the door for her, "you look familiar." He questioned as Amelia climbed in.

She quickly shook it off. "You must have me mistaken." She replied.

"Must be," he climbed up in the front seat and began to turn the carriage, "I would know Miss Amelia Davis when I see her."

Amelia craned her neck out the window. The driver looked down at her and smiled with a wink before turning his attention to the road.

Amelia simply sat back against the wall of the coach. Where the hell did he recognize her from? She didn't recognize him at all. She shook her head.

"Gówno prawda." (Bullshit.) She muttered under her breath.

When she arrived in Rhodes, she took in her surroundings. It was a well built town, that's for sure. She's never been here before, but she knew of it. The driver of the coach got down and opened the door for her. Amelia climbed down and looked at the driver once more.

"Have a fine stay, Miss Davis."

Amelia simply nodded and whistled for Astrid, who had been following the entire time. She brought her reins around to her front and began to make her way towards the main road. She stopped by the general store and looked at the friendly faces.

"Can we help you with something, Miss?" A woman asked.

"No, tha-" she paused, "actually, yes. Could you point me in the direction of Sheriff Grays office?"

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