Chapter 22

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Warnings! Smut

Arthur kissed her forcefully, but she was keeping up with him, pushing her tongue inside his mouth. He pulled away, causing Amelia to whimper in protest. He moved his attention to her neck, and she moaned out as he began to bite down, leaving bite marks all around her neck. His hands fumbled for the buttons on her blouse, pulling it open with a snap.

He trailed kisses down her chest as he moved down her torso. Her hands gripped the pillow, letting the smallest whimpers escape her throat. Arthur pulled her towards him by her belt loops on her jeans. He popped them open, pulling them down her legs, taking her undergarments with them. He marveled at the sight below him. He leaned down, placing a small kiss on the inside of her thigh.

He nipped at the soft skin, and she yelped in pleasure, trying to close her legs around him. He placed his hands beneath her thighs, pulling them open. He looked up at her and cocked an eyebrow. She knew what he wanted without him saying a word. She closed her eyes, and they immediately rolled into the back of her head as she felt his mouth close over her. She let out a throaty moan, not caring how loud she was at this point.

Her hands flew down to his hair, pulling him in as he picked up the pace with his tongue. She couldn't take the quickened pace, and she felt a release wash over her as he pushed his tongue in deep. He licked his lips as he pulled away. She tried to cover her face with her hands, but Arthur was quick to respond, pinning them above her head.

"Don't even try that." He growled.

She nodded in response, bound completely at his will. He undressed himself, lining himself up at her entrance. She felt his size, and her mind became foggy. A flash of white crossed her eyes as she felt him push in, and she winced as she looked up at him.

"You okay?" He asked, pausing.

Amelia nodded slowly, looking away. "Just keep going." She breathed out.

Arthur pushed his hips forward into her. She let out a gasp, but urged him to keep going. He did, pulling out slowly and then pushing back in. She moaned as she finally adjusted to him, and he smirked at the sound. He pushed in deep, kissing her at the same time. She moaned into his mouth again, making him groan at the sound.

He quickened his pace, slamming his hips against hers. She gripped the sheets, moaning excessively loud. And he enjoyed her being vocal for him. He returned his kisses to her neck, biting down. She moaned his name, and this made him chase his release. When he finally felt it, he finished inside her, and she at the same time with him.

He grunted as he paused above her. She was looking up at him in awe. He sat inside her, putting his body weight down on her as he kissed her passionately. He didn't feel like moving away from her touch. Her hands wrapped around his neck, deepening the kiss. He finally pulled out, and Amelia groaned at the emptiness. He climbed beside her, stretching his hands out. She sat up, letting him wrap his arm underneath her. She wrapped her body around his, intertwining her legs around his.

He looked down and before he could even comprehend what had just happened, she was fast asleep in his arms. He chuckled lightly, tightening his grip around her waist and kissed her forehead. She hummed lightly, laying her hands softly on his chest. He picked it up, kissing each knuckle lightly.

Arthur couldn't believe what had just happened. It felt like a dream to him. But he knew she was just as real as he was. But he didn't want to believe it.


"Amelia," Arthur whispered in her ear, "wake up."

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