Chapter 70

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"Alright," Amelia got some old kitchen scissors, a towel, a bowl of water, and a washcloth ready. "Let's get your guys hair cut."

Nick sat down in the chair in front of his mother. His arm was still in the makeshift sling and it was more swollen and sore than usual. It's been two weeks since he broke it and John had already felt Amelia's wrath fall down on him for being absent when it happened. Arthur almost shot him, but lucky for John, Erika was there to practically tear her father's gun from his hand. Erika was fidgeting with her hands while Arthur was outside training the twins still.

They were just learning how to spur the horses without them bucking. Jane was doing amazing like she had been shown before, but Joseph was having more difficulties with Scarlett and her temper. Jane was extraordinary with Hawk. It was almost like those two were made for each other. She was training perfectly with him, so Arthur's focus was on Joseph and Scarlett.

"Why does my hair need to be cut?" Nick asked, craning his neck backwards.

"Because you look like a homeless bum." Erika snickered.

"Erika!" Amelia scolded. "Be nice to your brother."

"Why?" Erika leaned forward. "He's the one who was stupid enough to break his arm, now he just looks stupid and homeless."

"Erika Gabrielle." Amelia said sternly. "I said behave yourself. Don't make me get your father in here." Amelia raised her eyebrow at her daughter in disapproval.

She rolled her eyes and leaned back into the couch.

"Honestly, I don't understand you two." Amelia began cutting at Nick's hair.

"She started it." Nick sulked.

"Only because you were acting like a głupek."

"Erika!" Amelia glared up at her daughter. "I know you did not just call your brother a dumbass!"

"That's what he was acting like!"

"That doesn't mean you call him one!" She scolded.

"I'll call him that if that's what he was acting like!"

Arthur came in from the back door. He was looking between the three of them in confusion.

"I heard yelling, what's goin on?" He asked, leaning against the wall.

"Your daughter called your son a dumbass." Amelia went back to cutting his hair.

"Good," Arthur chuckled, "that's what he was acting like."

"Arthur." Amelia warned.

"But," he looked down at Erika, "you don't call your brother that. Apologize now, Erika."

"But Pa-"

"Now, young lady."

"No." She stood.

"I'm sorry?" Arthur stood straight.

"I ain't gonna apologize for him being a dumbass."

"Erika!" Amelia laid her scissors down and walked over to her. She grabbed Erika by the arm and practically dragged her to her room. She shut the door tightly and crossed her arms. "I don't know what the hell has gotten into your head, but I'm fed up with this attitude of yours!"

"He almost got himself killed, Ma!" Erika yelled. "If he's going to be a dumbass, then that's on him! But I ain't gonna apologize for almost losing my brother!"

Amelia stared at her in shock. She was so focused on Nick, she didn't even realize how this could be affecting Erika. Amelia sighed and leaned back against the door.

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