Chapter 105

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Amelia had went to Beecher's Hope. She was hoping for a night of calming down and good company, and some coffee wouldn't hurt either. She knew she always had the good company around the Marston's, however, the calming not so much. That's only if both John and Abigail are awake. When one of them is asleep, however, it's pretty calming.

Amelia tethered Cowboy outside the main house and simply walked inside. She wasn't surprised to see both of them still awake, seeing as it was still early in the evening. Abigail stood as she walked past the living room towards the kitchen, not bothering to announce her arrival or even say hello.

Abigail looked down at John with confusion before heading to see what her sister in law was up to in her kitchen, instead of being at home.

"Amelia?" Abigail said as she walked in the kitchen, not surprised at seeing her brewing a cup of coffee. "Don't you have your own coffee at home, woman?"

"Not in the mood for chit chat," Amelia said as she leaned against the counter, sliding her hat from her head. "Come back after I've had a cup of coffee."

"Well, I'm sorry, Mrs. Morgan." She said playfully.

Hearing that name, Amelia's blood boiled. She growled as she kicked the kitchen cabinet hard, making a glass and a plate come tumbling down, shattering as they met the floor. Abigail's eyes widened as Amelia threw a can at the wall, ducking to narrowly miss it.

"Amelia!" Abigail yelled, grabbing her hands to keep her from shattering more stuff across her wall.

"That arrogant son of a bitch!" She kicked the cabinet again.

"Okay, yes!" Abigail said. "He's an arrogant son of a bitch! But don't be tearing up my house!"

"Who the hell does he think he is!" She tore her arms away from Abigail, throwing another can at the wall.

John came in at this point, running over to restrain her. He held her by her waist as she kept lunging to throw shit. John was yelling at her and so was Abigail, but she tuned them out, fighting against John's strong grip.

"Enough!" John yelled, keeping her body against his as he held her away from the counter.

"What the hell is going on?" Abigail yelled, placing her hands firmly on her hips. "You can't come here tearing up my house! We still live here!"

"Get off of me!" Amelia yelled, fighting to get John's hands away from her waist.

"Not until you calm down!" He kept his grip firm.

"John, I will put a bullet in your skull if you don't get your damn hands away from me!"

"Amelia!" Abigail grabbed her hands to keep her from fighting. "That's enough!"

Amelia gave up and went slump in John's arms. John carefully lowered her to the ground and crawled around her to meet her face. He lifted her head as he pushed himself to a crouch.

"Amelia?" John said softly. "What is going on?"

"Amelia?" Abigail sat down next to her, folding her legs underneath herself. "Is everything okay with you and Arth-"

"Don't say his name," Amelia growled, "or more shit will be thrown at the wall."

"Okay," Abigail said as she took in a breath. "Is everything okay with you and your husband?"

"No," Amelia stood, "it ain't."

"Care to explain why you decided to make a mess of my kitchen then?" Abigail stood with her.

"He's bein a stubborn, arrogant, cock sucking, son of a bitch."

John whistled as he let out a breath. "Okay," he said slowly, "those are some, uh, names," he scratched the back of his neck, "Abigail, I think I got this one."


"Just go." He gestured to the living room.

Once Abigail left, John walked over to Amelia but she quickly held up her hands.

"If you lay a finger on me, I will hurt you." She raised her eyebrow.

"Noted." John gestured outside. "Let's go for a walk then."

"Fine." Amelia led the way to the back door. John quickly followed, at this point afraid to even look at her. He had never seen her this angry before, so this was new to him. She began walking along the property, kicking at the stones that laid on the ground. He watched her curiously.

"So, um," he began, "what did he do?"

Amelia sucked in a breath. "You got any whiskey on you?"

"Uh," he reached in his satchel and grabbed some bourbon, "I got this?" He held it out.

"Good enough." She grabbed it from his hand and opened it, taking a big swig. John watched her with widened eyes, never seeing this side to her before. She put the cap back on and looked down.

"Mary showed up." She said after a minute.

"Mary?" He looked down at her. "As in, the Mary Arthur used to be sweet on?"

Amelia nodded. "Yep."

"And that's what's got you so upset?"

"Oh, no." Amelia chuckled. "Not just that."

"Okay," he paused, waiting for a response.

"I put a bullet in her," she continued, "and then my sweet, caring, husband decided to scold me for doing so."

John laughed. "That's it?"

Amelia shot him a look, and he quickly shut up. He knew that look.

"He decided that since she didn't leave our property after we both told her multiple times, that putting a bullet in her wasn't exactly the best idea."

John sucked in a breath, deciding to man up and be brave. "He has a point, Amelia."

To his surprise, Amelia simply sighed. "I know."

"Then why are you so angry?"

"Because it seems like he's picking her side." Amelia opened the bottle and took another swing. She looked up at him. "I thought he was supposed to be on my side, I mean-" she trailed off.

"He is on your side." John stopped and pulled her back. She looked up at him. "He's trying to make sure nothing happens to you. He doesn't want you to be arrested again. He was in absolute horror that day you were arrested after Erika was born. You know that."

Amelia looked away as she felt tears welling up in her eyes. John simply pulled her head back to him. "He loves you and only you. You gotta understand that. I've never seen that man so smitten over anyone other than you, Amelia. He's on your side for the long run. He's always gonna have your back. He's always gonna be the one standing beside you when you're falling apart. Just like you are right now."

He opened up his arms as Amelia fell apart into uncontrollable tears. He held her tight and rocked her gently.

"I'm always gonna be here for you," he said softly, "but right now, you need your husband."

"I can't face him-" she began but he quickly pulled away, forcing her chin up.

"He's seen you at your lowest before. This isn't any different." He wiped away the tears and gave her a small smile. "You need to go home. Let him be the one to comfort you. You guys are in it for the long haul. You've made it thirteen years, don't let that change now."

Amelia took in a deep breath before nodding. She looked down at the alcohol in her hand before handing it back to him. He laughed and took it before leading her back up to the house.

"Let's get a cup of coffee in you first though."

"You don't think bourbon will suffice?" She asked with a smile.

"You're much meaner with this shit," he held up the bottle, "coffee is your go to."

"Fair enough."

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