Chapter 97

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Amelia dressed herself and walked out to the barn where Nick and Erika were. Arthur followed not too far behind. It was still a bit early for dinner yet. Amelia walked in from the side door, spotting both of her kids near the stalls of their own steeds.

"What are you two up to?" Amelia asked with a smile.

Erika shrugged. "Nothing much, just talking and caring for the horses."

"How are they?" Amelia walked over to Sapphires stall. "She's looking a little skinny."

"She hasn't been eating much," Erika stated, reaching out to her mare, "I'm worried about her."

Amelia hummed. "We can take her to Beecher's Hope. See if Hosea can figure out what's goin on with her." She turned around. "How's Bourbon?"

"The complete opposite," Nick said with a laugh, "eating too much."

Arthur chuckled with a shake of his head. "Well, we can cut down on his hay, see if that helps any."

Nick shrugged. "Maybe," he stood from his leaning position.

"Pa?" Erika began, "can we ask you and Momma a question?"

Amelia turned around and leaned against Sapphires stall. Arthur glanced up at her before looking back down at their daughter. "Depends," he said slowly, "what about?"

"Nothing big," she said dramatically, "just about Mister Dutch, and-"

"More about the gang?" Amelia asked.

"Well, you guys never talk about it," Nick continued, "can you really blame us?"

Arthur sighed. "The reason why we never talk about it is because of how dangerous it was back then."

"And you really think we're stupid enough to repeat that life?" Nick questioned. "You guys do everything you can to protect us. Plus you've taught us how to protect ourselves as well."

"Nick-" Amelia tried to say, but Erika scoffed.

"Momma, is it really that bad of us if we want to learn more about yours and Pa's past?"

Arthur sighed. "She's got a point, Amelia. We don't tell them much."

"Arthur, they don't need to know about the gang-"

"It doesn't hurt to tell them a little bit about the gang." He shrugged.

Amelia grumbled as walked out of the barn. She was hesitant on telling the kids anything about the gang because of their curiosity. She didn't know what they would do with the information they would learn. Erika already tried going after a bounty, what else would they try and do? She mumbled to herself as she walked in the house.

Arthur groaned after his wife walked out, scratching the back of his neck with a shake of his head. He looked down at his two kids. "Let me talk to your mother. She isn't gonna be too happy about this, but I reckon I can get through to her."

Nick and Erika nodded. Arthur gestured to the barn doors. They both followed their father's silent order and began making their way up to the house.


The next morning, Amelia was ready to tell them more about the gang. This time however, starting from the beginning. But not from Amelia's point of view. From Arthur's. But the two sibling's wanted to know about the Blackwater Massacre of eighteen ninety nine. So that's where Arthur began, along with the rest of the members who they were able to get into contact with easily. They went over to Beecher's Hope, where Hosea, John, and Charles joined them in telling this small story.

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