Chapter 24

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Amelia arrived at home late that night. She hated riding at night by herself but she survived. Unfortunately. She hated herself for what she did to Arthur, but she couldn't even explain herself. She spent that night crying before ultimately falling asleep on her couch and staying there for the remainder of the night.

When she woke up the next morning, the sun was just beginning to rise. She sat up and stretched out her stiff limps before rubbing her eyes, which hurt from her crying last night. She sniffled her nose, realizing that it felt stuffy and congested. She shook out her mess of blonde curls before heading outside.

She threw her saddle over Astrid and began making her way to Clemens point. She was gonna confront Dutch herself before talking to Arthur. She needed to set things straight.

She arrived late in the morning and tethered Astrid next to Hosea's Turkoman. She began making her way towards Dutch's tent. She waved at camp members as she passed but she didn't stop when they called out to her. Dutch was focused on a book and hadn't heard her footsteps, so to get his attention, she slammed her foot down. He instantly looked up at her and raised his eyebrows.

"Amelia," he faked a smile and set his book down, "how lovely it is to see you here."

"Don't play stupid with me, old man." She hissed.

"Excuse me?" He stood, looking down at her.

"You heard me."

"I will request that you respect me in my camp-"

"Like you respect every one else?" Amelia crossed her arms. "Jealous of a woman? Really?"

"I am not jealous-"

"I can see it in your eyes," she replied, "how you were giving me dirty look's yesterday, how you faked a smile. You really think I'm that stupid to not notice?"

"You're taking away my only son-"

Amelia laughed. "Well guess what? You can have him! I don't give two fucks about you or this gang! As far as I can tell, you all can rot in hell!"

She heard whispers around her and saw from the corner of her eye that a familiar outlaw appeared. She glanced over and saw Arthur. She sneered and looked back at Dutch.

"Mam nadzieję że umrzesz powoli i boleśnie." (I hope you die slow and painful) Amelia spit on his shoe before turning and making her way towards Astrid. She climbed up on her horse and turned her out of the camp. She was stopped however by someone she wanted to kill.

"Amelia, stop!"

She shook her head at his voice. She used to love it but now she wanted to shoot him more than ever. She sighed and turned around.

"What, Arthur?"

"The hell do you think you're goin?" He raised his eyebrow, grabbing the reins on Astrid.

"Home." She replied, yanking her horses reins out of his grip.

"I-I'm sorry, Amelia, I-"

"Go." She interrupted, turning her horse once again.

"Goddammit." He quickly mounted Duke and chased after her. He rode past her and stood in front of Astrid, preventing Amelia from moving. "Just stay, please."

"Why?" Amelia hissed. "Why should I stay? You left me! You're the one who made that choice! I only wanted a couple days, yet you chose to end things! What reason do I have to stay here?"

"Because I love you!"

"You love me?" Amelia laughed. "If you loved me, then you would've understood. Yet you don't." She kicked Astrid in the sides to move her into the trees past Arthur. She quickly made her way through the trees. Until she felt a lasso wrap around her arms, pulling her off her horse. She hit the ground hard, a loud groan erupting from her chest. "Pieprzone piekło." (Fucking hell) she tried to wriggle out of the rope with no prevail. She blinked the blurred vision from her eyes and looked up at her captor.

"If you ain't gonna listen willingly, you're gonna listen forcefully." Arthur said sharply, keeping the ropes around her tightly.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Amelia groaned.

"I ain't playin games with you, woman." Arthur tied her wrists together along with her ankles. He then lifted her over his shoulder and began carrying her outside camp.

"This is fucking crazy, you sick bastard!" She wiggled and writhed over his shoulder, but he held her tightly. Finally, he dropped her on the ground, harder than he intended to. Amelia hissed out in pain, white spots covering her vision. "You fucking asshole." She groaned.

Arthur cut the ropes bounding her limbs and stood back, holstering his knife. "Are you ready to listen?"

"You're lucky I don't shoot you now and mount your head on my fucking wall." She stood slowly, rubbing her wrists.

"I want you to listen to me-"

"And you think tying me up was the best option?" She glared at him. "Go fuck yourself."

"Amelia, please-"

"Arthur, I'm done with this shit!" She spun around to face him. "You want me to listen to you, don't resort to hurting me physically!"


"Don't push your luck." She whistled for Astrid.

"Amelia, just shut up and listen!"

"What do you want me to listen to?" She stood her ground. "You want me to listen to a long ass speech about how sorry you are? About how much you love me? About how much I mean to you? If I meant jack shit to you, then maybe you should've thought twice about bringing me to the ground from my big ass horse by a lasso and tying me up, then throwing me to the ground, and so 'politely' untying me and then thinking I would spend two more minutes with you without shooting a hole in your fucking head!" She cleared her throat. "What else is there to uncover?"

Arthur stepped closer to her as she stared up at him. "Amelia, I love you. More than any words could ever say. And I'm sorry that I hurt you. It was a foolish thing to do and I don't know how many times I could say sorry until you forgive me. But I love you, Amelia Davis. I would do anything for you."

"You think you can just win me back like that?" Amelia crossed her arms. "You're more stupid than you look."




"I said go-"

Amelia was interrupted by Arthurs lips pressing against hers. She was drawn back at first, but hesitantly gave in. Arthur pushed his tongue against hers, running his along her bottom lip. She was breathless as he pulled away. He stared his own blue eyes down into hers. She opened her eyes and looked into his.

"The hell you do that for?" She asked quietly.

"To make you shut up and listen."

Amelia shoved him back and turned away, wiping her lips on the back of her hand. "You ain't gonna get to me by a kiss."

Arthur stepped closer to her and spun her around by the waist. She was met face to face with him, his chest pressing against her body. She let out a breath and looked up at him.

"I'll certainly try, Miss Davis." He leaned his down and kissed her again. His fingers entangled through her blonde hair, his other holding her close to him by the waist. Amelia's arms wrapped around his neck, deepening the kiss.

Amelia pulled away, Arthur's arm still holding her close. She ran her fingers through the thick hair and raised her eyebrow at the tall outlaw.

"If you love me so much, then show me how much."

Arthur chuckled and shook his head. "And what am I supposed to do to show you how much I love you?"

"That's for you to know, and me to find out," she pulled away and began backing up towards Astrid, "meet me at my place in an hour." She climbed up.


She waved and began making her way home, ignoring Arthur's calls. She chuckled to herself and began spurring Astrid quicker, desperate to get home. She wondered what he was gonna be planning. Either way, she knew what she wanted.

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