Chapter 54

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When Amelia was about twenty nine weeks along, the add on of the house was almost finished. Sadie helped out as well while Hosea made sure Amelia didn't try and help, seeing as she tried several times. She was very irritated with the older man, but she gave in, realizing it may not be good on the baby.

Amelia walked outside, Nicholas tailing behind her. Amelia looked upwards, seeing Arthur on the latter as he hammered in a shingle. He looked down at Amelia, who cocked her head. Amelia laid a hand on the latter.

"Don't you even dare think about it." Arthur snapped.

"Oh, calm your horses," she replied, "I ain't gonna climb up."

"What you want?" He asked, returning his attention back to hammering.

"Just coming to see how it's goin," she walked around, "almost done?" She laid a hand on her growing stomach.

"Should be done within the next few weeks. It'll be done before the little one is born."

Amelia hummed. "Good."

He slid down the latter, meeting her at the bottom. Charles was on the other side hammering shingles as John handed up a crate of them. Sadie went into town to get some more.

"It's turning out great." Amelia smiled, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"It's got two more rooms, just in case another accident happens."

"The kids ain't accidents," she smacked him on the shoulder. "They're actually blessings. They've been keeping us on the straight." She chuckled.

Arthur hummed, agreeing. "I could use a break."

"You all need one. You've been working real hard." She rubbed his back. "I can put on some coffee."

"Please." He kissed her cheek.


When Amelia was thirty seven weeks pregnant, her water broke at home as she was making dinner. John was there finishing up the house with Arthur. She felt it break and looked down at the puddle on the floor.

"Shit." She mumbled.

"Shit!" Nicholas smiled.

Amelia's head snapped over. "No, sweetheart, we don't say that." She let out a breath. "Go get daddy."

He got up from the kitchen table and ran outside. He bolted out the back door as Arthur and John were installing the last window.

"Mommy say shit!" Nicholas yelled.

Arthur looked down at his son while John snorted. Arthur took in a breath as he looked down. "You've got to be joking." He muttered. He crouched down to his son's level. "Nick, we don't say that. It's a bad word that only adults can say, okay?"

"Mommy said to come get you."

"Alright," he picked him up, "John, can you finish up?"

John nodded and Arthur headed inside, Nicholas still in his arms. Amelia was seated on the floor, cleaning the puddle. Arthur cocked his head as he set his son down.

"You spill some water?"

Amelia shook her head.

Arthur widened his eyes. "Did your water break?"

She nodded. "Here," she held out her arms. Arthur walked over and pulled her up to her feet. "Let's get to Strawberry."

"John!" Arthur yelled. Amelia grasped his shoulder, causing Arthur to wince. "Easy, sweetheart." He let out a chuckle.

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