Chapter 58

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Amelia woke up first in the morning. She opened her eyes heavily and looked around. Arthur was still sound asleep next to her. One of his arms was underneath her and the other was tucked underneath his pillow. She smiled and laid back down, her head resting on his chest. She ran her fingers over the chest hairs lightly, doing her best not to wake him. He snored softly as she did this. He was definitely exhausted.

Amelia eventually fell back asleep, cradled in Arthur's arms. She again woke up before Arthur did and carefully climbed over him, doing her best not to wake him up. She succeeded, being very quiet and she walked over to the dresser and got out one of her nightgowns. She slipped it on and made her way to the kitchen. She put on a pot of coffee and drank it slowly while waiting for Arthur to wake.

A knock at the front door sounded and Amelia assumed it was John with the kids. She was right when she looked out the curtains. Nicholas's face was pressed against the window and he grinned when he saw Amelia. Amelia smiled and opened up the door. Erika crawled over to her and she lifted up her daughter while Nicholas crashed into her leg.

She looked up at John with a smile. "Thank you for taking the kids."

"We could tell you and Arthur needed a break. It's the least we could do."

"I put on some coffee," Amelia began, "would you like a cup?"

"No, that's okay," he dismissed, "I told Abigail I was bringing these two rascals home and then coming back. I got some things on the ranch to do."

Amelia nodded. "Alright, well, thank you again."

"Anytime you need a break, just let us know. We love these two like our own." He crouched down. "You be good for your Ma and Pa, okay?"

"Okay, Uncle John." He hugged him tightly and John hugged him back. Amelia watched John leave before retreating to the house.

Amelia led the kids to their bedroom to wake up their father. Nicholas climbed up on the bed while Amelia laid Erika down next to Arthur. He felt tiny hands and jolted awake, looking down to see his daughter and son sitting next to him. He smiled as he sat up, picking up Erika.

"Well good morning." He chuckled softly.

"Hi daddy," Nicholas smiled, "momma said we should've woken you up."

"Oh, did she now?" He raised his eyebrows and looked over at Amelia. She simply smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

Erika cooed and reached up for her father. Arthur looked down at her and smiled. He then looked back up at Amelia. "Well, since you decided to have our kids wake me, how about you make breakfast today?"

"Gladly." She walked over and took Erika from his arms. "But that means you have daddy duty until I'm done." She winked at him and began walking out of the room. Arthur followed after Nicholas ran out, leaving Arthur to get dressed. Amelia waited until he was out before making breakfast. She laid Erika on a blanket so she could roll around and play while she began.


A few weeks later, everything was still going well. Amelia picked up another bounty while Abigail watched the kids. Arthur went to work like usual. She tethered Amberley outside the Sheriffs office and walked inside. Sheriff Farley greeted her with a smile.

"Well, I was wondering when we were gonna see you again."

"Sorry, got busy at home."

"I still have those posters if you're still interested."

She nodded and Sheriff Farley opened up the drawer of his desk, pulling out the two other posters. He held them up and Amelia squinted her eyes as she looked them over. "Give me Gabriela. She's closer than Saint Denis."

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