Chapter 118

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After the talk with the kids, Amelia and Arthur climbed into bed together. Arthur let out a big sigh as he kissed Amelia's shoulders. She smiled slightly and looked back at him as he laid flat on his back.

"Just so we're clear, we aren't leaving Abigail alone with Rose and Luke, right?" Amelia asked.

"Correct," Arthur laughed, "honestly, I expected that from us but not her."

Amelia shrugged. "She is very protective over them," she laid down and turned to face him, "especially over Nick."


"But we aren't leaving her alone with them again." Amelia laughed. "Those kids were scared to death of her."

Arthur chuckled and opened up his arms. Amelia nuzzled into his chest, letting out a deep breath.


Amelia was walking around camp, seeing if there was anything she could possibly do. She was bored out of her mind at Shady Belle. She finally saw Bill sitting at the edge of camp while cleaning a shotgun and decided to approach him. She smiled when he looked up at her.

"Hey," she took a seat next to him on the fence, "what're you up to?"

"Nothing too fun," he grumbled, "just cleaning my gun seeing as it's my turn next on guard duty."

"Bummer," she said with a chuckle, "I was gonna see if you wanted to go on a job with me."

Bill looked down at her, surprised and in shock at her question. "Me?"

"Well, you are an idiot and a hothead, but I figured goin out on a job with you would be fun."

"I am not an idiot."

"You can be." Amelia laughed. "But, I can be too sometimes. So it's okay."

"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, Miss Davis, but I gotta go on guard duty."

"Says who?" Amelia winked at him before smiling and standing. She saw the young Lenny sitting by the fire while eating and approached him.

"Mr. Summers," she said loudly, "I have a question for you."

Lenny looked up from his plate and smiled. "Good afternoon, Miss Davis."

"When was the last time you went on guard duty?"

"I was the first this morning," he took in another spoonful and swallowed, "why?"

"Would you be willing to take guard after Miss Jones so me and Bill can go out on a job?"

Lenny seems to think for a moment before standing up. "Sure, I don't see an issue with it."

Amelia smiles and offers to take his plate. "Thank you, Lenny. I'll make sure to give you a cut from what we make."

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