Chapter 34

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"Nothing," Bill grumbled as he climbed the stairs, Hosea following. "This town is a waste of time."

"Maybe not," Hosea started, looking over at Arthur. He nodded and Hosea smiled. "Gentlemen, and milady, I think we're done here."

They all began making their way out of the house. Before they made it out the doors, Amelia felt a hand grab her arm. She whipped around and came face to face with Angelo Bronte. He sneered down at her small frame. The other three men turned and went for their guns, quickly realizing they had not got them back yet.

"You," he growled, "you think you can insult me in my town, but you'll learn your place quickly." He raised his hand to Amelia's face.

Amelia quickly caught his wrist and twisted it forcefully in a way an arm shouldn't be. She then brought her knee up to his gut, kicking him as hard as she could. Once he went to the ground, she lifted her dress quick enough to pull out her Semi Automatic. She pulled back the hammer and pointed it at the guards surrounding her as Bronte laid on the ground holding his wrist.

They all held their hands up in surrender.

"Now," she began, "unless any more of ya want to grab me like he did, I'd suggest you let us leave peacefully without any complications."

They all nodded as Amelia lowered her pistol. "Good," she continued, "all of you count to a thousand before you even think about moving one more muscle or I will have a bullet with all your names on it going clean through your foreheads, make no mistake on that."

"Yes Ma'am." One of them said quickly.

Amelia hummed before sticking her pistol back in its place. She quickly followed the three men out of the doors. They all bent down and picked up their guns before getting in the coach Lenny had drove up with. They all climbed in and let out a breath of relief.

"What the hell was that?" Arthur said with a chuckle. "You had that gun the whole time?"

Amelia nodded before bursting out with laughter. "Having a gun on you is always a good choice." She pointed out.

"Oh, Amelia," Dutch said with a smile, "I love you already." He chuckled. "You fit in perfectly with this outlaw life."

"Why, thank you, Mr. Van Der Linde."


Amelia slept in late that morning. She groaned as she sat up, looking around Arthur's empty room. She shook her head before pushing herself to a stand. She grabbed her rifle from her chest and slung it over her shoulder before heading out of the room. She peered into John and Abigail's bedroom, seeing Jack peacefully asleep cuddled up in Abigail's arms.

Amelia smiled as she headed towards the staircase. She walked downstairs, seeing Uncle passed out on the floor in front of the steps. She stepped over him and looked back. She nudged his leg with her foot and he shot awake, looking around.

"What? What?" He said, scowling up at her.

"Passed out right in front of the stairs there, Uncle," she said with a smirk, "I bout stepped on ya."

He grumbled as he crawled towards the wall. He laid back down and went right back to sleep. Amelia shook her head as she headed towards the front doors. She opened them and walked outside, looking around. She saw Sadie sitting by the door cleaning a rifle.

"Mrs. Adler," Amelia greeted, taking a seat next to her.

"Hey," she said with a smile, "how is it riding with the big boys?"

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