Chapter 1

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Amelia was a twenty eight year old woman with a wild mind, especially for being here in the west. She was a hired gun who was one of the best sharpshooters in New Hanover. But she couldn't go unnoticed by men who thought her place was there as a housewife. The crooked Sheriff of Valentine thought that was her place and didn't hesitate to remind her that everyday. She, however, thought differently. Very differently.

She was a bright young woman with a mouth from hell that she didn't know how to control. Her curves outlined her body perfectly that made many men stare since she was seen mostly in pants. Men weren't used to seeing women in pants, let alone a beautiful one like her. Her blonde curls reached her mid back and surrounded her round face perfectly. Her button nose was small and delicate, her eyes were big and round with baby blue eyes. Her full lips were mostly filled with either smiles or scowls depending on who she's talking to.

Her signature look was a raised eyebrow. Many people knew this about Amelia. If she raised her eyebrow at you, she was either annoyed or interested. But either way, it intimidated most people of Valentine.


She groaned as she stopped in her tracks and turned around to face the ugly Sheriff who thought too highly of himself. She scowled at him and he smirked. She had cursed to him many times in her native language, mostly calling him a dupek (asshole).

"Think I got somethin for ya."

"That so?" She replied.

"A man out near the falls," he chuckled, walking into the office, "come on, follow me."

Amelia simply rolled her eyes as she followed the man into the building. "What do I have to do with any of this, Sheriff?"

"Well, figured you might want to know about the man trying to steal your job, Amelia."

She raised her eyebrow at this. "Go on."

He chuckled. "A man has brought in two bounties so far," he sat down at his desk, "earned two hundred dollars. I took a trip to Rhodes, and Sheriff Gray told me that the same man has been takin bounties over there too. Earned three hundred dollars over there as well. This man has been traveling around."

Amelia had enough and slammed her hands down on the desk, leaning over face to face with the crooked Sheriff. "Listen here, Sheriff, I am in no type of mood to be messed with by the likes of you. You're annoying me to the point of wanting to put a bullet in you myself. So I'd highly suggest you either be tellin the truth, or leave me be and let me carry on with the rest of my day, understood?"

"Go take a look near the falls and take my word for it."

Amelia hummed. "Very well. But I got a bullet with your name on it." Amelia stood straight and backed away towards the door. "Take my word for it."

Amelia climbed up on her female Skewbald Gypsy Cob horse, Astrid, and began to lead her towards the exit of Valentine. Amelia had bought her from the stable owner in Strawberry. She had this horse for a year, and she loved her.

Amelia herself was just as naive in this Wild West world. Standing at five foot one, she grew up in high society until the age of fifteen, when she ran away from home. Her father was a drunk, her mother was a druggy. They cared more about money than their daughter. So she ran away. She stayed on the streets until she was seventeen, learning to survive but only just. The one good thing her father did was hire a tutor for her so she could learn her mothers native language.

Until she met an outlaw. His name was Arthur. She never learned his last name. But he helped her. Possibly even saved her life. He taught her how to use a gun, to handle it properly, and how to shoot it but never at the wrong time in the wrong place. He stayed with her for a week, even getting Amelia her first horse. He taught her how to ride it, how to care for it, and how to raise it. He was Amelia's friend, and teacher. He really bonded with that young girl so quickly, he didn't want to leave her. But life for an outlaw called him, and he couldn't stay with her. But Amelia never forgot him. And he never forgot Amelia.

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