Chapter 83

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Amelia walked along the path of the churchyard in Blackwater. She inspected each of the decorations carefully, making sure everything was in its rightful place. She smiled as she thought of what would be happening in just two hours.

"Amelia!" She heard Abigail call her name. She poked her head out of the church doors and smiled at the young woman. "Amelia, everything is fine. Come on, we need to start getting you ready."

Amelia chuckled as she walked up the church steps. She followed Abigail to the back of the church through some doors until she came to a room. Abigail opened the door and Amelia was surprised immediately.

Inside the room was Irina, Karen, Tilly, and Mary-Beth. They all smiled as Amelia walked in. Irina walked over to her and hugged her tightly.

"Oh," Irina pulled away and brought her hands up to Amelia's cheeks, "I can't believe the day has come this quickly."

Amelia laid her hands over hers and smiled. "You and me both." She looked around. "Where are my kids?"

"Hosea and Richard have them." Tilly smiled. "We called in a favor."

"Girls," Amelia smiled at all of them, "this is all too much you guys are doin for me."

"It's not everyday you get married." Karen nudged her shoulder.

Amelia smiled.

"Come on," Abigail took her arm and gestured to the chair sitting in front of the mirror in the corner. "Let's get started on your hair."


Mary-Beth walked down the hall with a few things for Amelia when she quite literally ran into John. She jumped back with a squeal as she dropped everything.

"Shit," John mumbled as he set the bouquet of flowers down on the ground and bent down to help, "I'm so sorry, Mary-Beth."

"It's okay," she stood as he handed her the remainder of the things she dropped. He bent down to pick up the bouquet. "Who are those for?"

"Um," he looked down and smiled, "they're for Amelia. It's a gift."

"Oh, John," Mary-Beth smiled, "that's so sweet of you."

"They're not from me," he laughed, "they're from Arthur. He sent me to bring these to her along with this." He pulled a small box out of his pocket.

"You mean he's actually following the rules of not seeing his soon to be bride?" She laughed. "Guess I owe Karen ten dollars."

"You guys were betting on it?" John asked with a grin.

Mary-Beth smiled and gestured down the hall for him to follow. "I was guessing that he was gonna break the rules to see Amelia, but Karen was guessing that he wouldn't. And it looks like she was right." She stopped at a room and knocked. "Miss Davis," she opened the door, "you have a visitor."

Amelia smiled as John walked in with the bouquet of red roses. She laughed as he handed them to her. Abigail and Karen were busy working on her hair.

"Oh, John, they're beautiful." She looked up at him. "Thank you."

"They're not from me." He handed her the box. "They're from Arthur, and so is this."

Amelia raised her eyebrow as she took the small box. She untied the red ribbon and pulled off the lid. There, she saw her necklace that Irina gave her. She had lost it a while ago. She lifted it and saw a note at the bottom. She picked it up and read it.

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