Chapter 117

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"Alright, that should do it," Amelia stood, looking at the newly finished roof, "it ain't perfect, but it'll do for now."

"Thanks, Amelia." John said as he held out his arms when she got to the last step. Amelia carefully stepped back into them, and he placed her on the ground. "You have no idea how grateful I am for this."

Amelia chuckled and patted his shoulder. "Anytime you need us, just let us know before you show up, please."

John groaned. "I'll remember that next time." John said with a laugh. "I'm never gonna get that image out of my head."

Amelia bellowed a laugh, walking up to the house. The kids sat on the porch, passing the time talking to each other. They seemed to get along with each other great, making quick friends.

"We ready to go?" Amelia asked, wiping her hands on the pants she borrowed from John.

"Yeah," Nick stood, pulling Rose up to a stand from the porch steps. Luke did the same with Erika. "I think so."

"How are you two getting home?" Arthur asked, referring to Luke and Rose.

"We just live outside Blackwater." Luke replied. "Our mom's live together."

"Okay," Amelia whistled, "we'll escort you home." She looked up at John, who leaned on the porch banister. "I'll bring these back soon, I promise." She smiled.

"Shit, they fit you better than they do me." He laughed.

"You were always on the skinnier side." She teased.

"Yeah, yeah." John mumbled. "I ain't too worried about them."

Whiskey approached Amelia and Arthur along with the four kids all whistled for their steeds. With the help of Nick and Arthur, the two girls in dresses were lifted up into their mares, and they began making their way towards Blackwater.

They rode somewhat slow, but also fast enough so they wouldn't be too easy of targets. As they rode into town, Rose and Luke took the lead, riding up to a large yellowish house. They tethered their horses and climbed down. Two women were sitting on the porch and stood as they approached.

A blonde woman who looked to be in her early forties stood and hugged Rose. A brown haired woman who looked in her late thirties hugged Luke. Amelia and Arthur dismounted, and the two women smiled, beckoning them over.

"Hi," the blonde said, holding out her hand, "I'm Anne, Rose's mom."

"Amelia," she shook her outstretched hand, "my husband, Arthur."

"Pleasure to meet you." Arthur tipped his hat.

"I'm Willow, Luke's mother." The brown haired woman shook Arthur's hand.

"You're kids have taken quite a liking with our children." Amelia gestured the two siblings forward.

"You must be Erika," Willow smiled brightly, "I've never heard my son talk so fondly about someone other than you, dear."

Erika smiled with joy. "Your son speaks highly of you, Miss Phillips."

"Oh, don't be so formal, sweetheart." Willow laughed. "You can call me Willow."

"And this must be the strong Nicholas my Rose has been talking about." Anne held out her hand.

Nick chuckled and shook her hand. "Just Nick is fine. It's great to finally meet you, Miss Johnson."

"Please, call me Anne."

"Why don't you two go say your goodbyes so we can get home?" Amelia said softly, running her hand through Erika's tangled curls.

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