Chapter 15

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Amelia followed Hosea down a wooded trail, a fallen tree covering the entrance. Amelia raised her head upwards towards the sky, marveling at the shadows the sun casted through the leaves. Hosea looked back at the young woman and chuckled lightly.

"It's beautiful at this time of day."

"It is." Amelia looked back over to him. "This is where Javier and John brought me."

Hosea nodded. "This is our home for now."

Amelia looked past the older man to a clearing of the trees. There, she saw several tents and wagons along with more than a dozen people. A white tent in the middle gave her memories of the day she was brought here. She followed Hosea to a hitching post and climbed down from Astrid's frame. She tethered her to the post next to Hosea's Turkoman.

Hosea smiled as he led her to the white tent. Inside sat Miss Molly O'Shea, rather than the charismatic leader. Molly looked up from her book and smiled at the older gentleman.

"Mornin, Mr. Matthews," she said, "how can I help ya?"

"Where's Dutch?" Hosea asked.

"Out by the cliffs," she pointed.

"Thank you." Hosea gestured for Amelia to follow him. She followed happily to where he led. There, they saw Dutch smoking a cigar as he looked over the horizon.

He heard the footsteps approaching and looked behind him. Dutch smiled as he saw the beautiful woman walking side by side with Hosea.

"Miss Davis!" He held out his hand, "how lovely it is to see you again."

Amelia placed her hand in the leaders. He bent down and kissed the top of her hand. Amelia smiled as she took her hand away, rubbing where Dutch's lips had touched.

"What can I do for you?"

"Miss Amelia here was wondering where Arthur might be?"

"Well," Dutch chuckled, "I believe he is taking Jack on a fishing trip as a favor for Miss Roberts."

"Pieprzone piekło," (fucking hell) Amelia mumbled.

Dutch and Hosea cocked their heads at the young woman. Amelia looked up at them and stifled back a laugh.

"Sorry," she chuckled, "my native language."

"Which is?" Dutch raised his eyebrows.

"Polish," she answered quickly. "I'm-" she was interrupted by horse hooves coming into camp quickly. She turned around as Dutch looked up.

"There you are!" She heard a young woman's voice call out. "How you boys gettin on?"

"Great!" A little boy replied. "We caught a fish and I made you this necklace."

"Ain't that pretty? Ain't I the luckiest," the woman paused, "did you thank Uncle Arthur?"

"No need," a familiar gruff voice replied, seemingly irritated, "we had a good time."

The conversation between the two went quiet, and Amelia wondered what they were talking about as she followed the two older gentleman towards where Arthur was. Arthur began making his way towards them but paused as he saw Amelia standing with Dutch and Hosea.

Amelia heard him growl as he made his way angrily towards the trio. He stopped in front of Dutch as he sat down.

"We got a problem." He said sternly.

"What?" Dutch asked.

"First off, I just met with some guys out near the river," he pointed towards the Dakota River, "a feller named, erm," he paused, trying to remember, "Milton! And erm, gah I don't remember the other fellers name." He began to pace.

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