Chapter 85

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Two weeks later

Amelia was walking around the back yard trying to figure out where she would hang the decorations for Nick's eighteenth birthday. She brought one hand up to her chin while the other was wrapped around her waist. She was thinking so hard, she didn't realize when Arthur came walking up behind her. He saw her focused stance and decided to scare her.

He walked carefully and quietly. He crept up behind her and grabbed her shoulders with a yell. Amelia screamed, jumping forward as she elbowed Arthur in the face. She turned around as Arthur groaned, grabbing his nose.

"Jesus," Amelia mumbled as she brought Arthur's hand down, "what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Why the hell did you elbow me, woman?" He grumbled as she grabbed a rag, holding it to his nose.

"Because you scared me!" She scolded. "You should know by now that scaring me is a bad idea!"

"Ah," he held the rag to his nose, "I think you broke my nose."

"Good." Amelia smacked his arm. "Maybe you'd learn your lesson about scaring me."

"Seriously?" He glared down at her.

"Last time you scared me, I kneed you in the balls. If you didn't learn your lesson then, I don't know how you ever will." Amelia led him up to the house. "Come on, let's see if I can get the bleeding down."

Amelia walked inside first, Arthur following behind her as he tilted his head back. She sat him down on the couch and she went to the bathroom, grabbing more rags and some hot water.

Erika came out of her room and raised an eyebrow. A trick she learned from Amelia. She walked over to her father as she studied the bloody rag he held to his nose.

"What the hell did you do?" She questioned.

"Ask your mother." He mumbled.

Amelia came to the living room then, setting the bowl of hot water down on the coffee table. She looked up at Erika.

"Did I hear you cuss?" Amelia asked.

"What happened?"

"I elbowed your father." She brought the blood soaked rag down from his nose and laid it in the bowl of water.


"Because he scared me."

"So you elbowed him?"

Amelia was quiet for a minute as she tried to stop the bleeding. She finally got it to slow down but it was still bleeding. Amelia sighed before tilting Arthur's head down.

"I'm gonna have to put it back in place." She said lowly.

"No," Arthur stood, "I don't think so."

"Arthur!" Amelia stood quickly. "It's gonna keep bleeding if I don't put it back in place!"

"I'd rather have the doctor in town do it."

"We ain't got time for that," she sat him back down on the couch. She looked over at Erika. "Go get a clean rag and a towel."

Erika nodded and quickly ran towards the bathroom.

"You know how to do this?" Arthur questioned.

Amelia nodded. "Irina taught me when I was little after daddy broke his nose in a bar fight."

"That was years ago, Amelia."

"I've put Bill's nose back in place too." She pointed out. "After Javier slugged him."

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