Chapter 35

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Smut warning!

"Cowards!" Dutch yelled as he stood outside.

"We okay?" Hosea asked as he walked outside. Amelia followed, shaking her head.

"I think so," Dutch replied, "except for Kieran here." He walked over to his body. He shook his head. "Poor kid." He looked up, "Mr. Swanson, would you take this boy and bury him, someplace near, but not too near."

"Of course," he bent down, "Charles, help me with the body."

"We need to get this place cleaned up," Hosea said as he picked up the boys head, "Mr. Pearson! Miss Grimshaw!"

"Already taking care of it." Miss Grimshaw replied, "come on now, work!"

Amelia looked away, fear of throwing up from the boys decapitated head. She walked away quickly, returning to the house. Arthur looked at Dutch as he watched the young girl walk inside. Dutch nodded his head towards the house and Arthur quickly followed her.

"Amelia?" He said, grabbing her arm before she could walk up the stairs, "hey, you okay?"

Amelia shook her head, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. "How could they do that?"

"O'Driscoll's are bad people-"

"To think that could've been me!" She ran her fingers through her hair, "that could've been me they did that to!"

"I-I know," he pulled her into a hug, "I know."

Amelia buried her face into his chest, taking in the scent of him. She couldn't believe her eyes. She couldn't believe what she just saw. She shut her eyes tightly, trying to erase the image of him.


Amelia sat around the campfire, nursing a whiskey. The day dragged on slowly after that mess with the O'Driscolls. It put everyone on edge. Amelia had already had three whiskeys beforehand. Karen was more drunk than she was, along with Bill. And for once, Uncle was sober.

Amelia looked around, spotting Arthur talking with Uncle near the horses. She took the last gulp of her whiskey before standing up, heading over to the pair of men.

"What you boys up to?"

"Gettin ready to rob a homestead," Arthur replied, looking down at his map, "there," he pointed, "Hill Haven Ranch?"

"Yeah," Uncle replied, "rancher there is always drunk. Not even a stampede of elephants can wake him up."

Arthur shook his head as he looked up at the old man. "You sure about this?"

"Absolutely," he beckoned him over to the horses, "come on, it'll be easy."

"Alright," he stuffed his map in his satchel and looked down at Amelia, "I'll be back in a little bit." He planted a kiss on her cheek and followed Uncle out of camp.

Amelia watched them leave before heading back over to the campfire. She sat down on a crate and stared into the fire for a little while. She felt a hand on her shoulder after about ten minutes and she looked up.

It was Hosea. He looked down at her softly.

"You okay, Miss Davis?"

Amelia shrugged. "I've had worse days."

"So have I, dear," he sat down next to her, "so have I."

"I mean, at least I ain't as drunk as Karen or Bill." She said with a small laugh.

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