Chapter 26

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Arthur had left late that morning. He had some things to attend to and advised Amelia that it would be best if she stayed home. Amelia agreed, seeing as her and Dutch had some issues to deal with. When Amelia finally got around moving, she changed into her usual attire.

She settled with a black shirt with a white lace collar lining and rolled the sleeves to her elbows. She pulled on some dark brown ranch pants and her signature black boots with silver spurs. She tied her gun belt around her hips and hooked her holsters to them. She placed both of her Semi Automatic Pistols in their place and picked up her black hat from her nightstand before heading out the door.

She grabbed her saddle from her hitching post and threw it over Astrid's back. She climbed up, using the horn as leverage and began making her way to Valentine. She rode slow, enjoying the scenery the Heartlands provided. She took in a breath, the smell of fresh flowers warming her nose. She suddenly saw a wagon run past her, and then an explosion caused Astrid to buck her off.

She groaned as she came to her senses, looking around her. Several men had came out of the tree line, dressed in black and green. Several men. And one woman. She spied the woman welding a rifle run towards her. Amelia was then met with the butt of a rifle to the head. Then everything went black.


Amelia was taken to a stone house just outside Valentine. The woman that had knocked her unconscious was an O'Driscoll who spoke Polish. Colm had heard of Amelia and wanted someone with enough insight on her background to find out where the Van Der Linde gang was. A few of the men had spied on the trigger woman and saw Arthur go into her house several times and leave.

Amelia was woken up to a damp cloth on her forehead, dabbing away the blood that laced her hairline. She shook her head, making the throbbing increase. She blinked her eyes, the fog eventually clearing her vision. She saw a brown haired woman dipping a red washcloth into a bucket, and then pulling out a more pink one. She smiled up at the now awake Amelia.

"Spokojnie, po prostu sprzątam krew." (Easy, I'm just tidying up the blood) She spoke lightly. "How are you feeling?" Her accent was that of Polish descent.

"Mówisz po polsku?" (You speak Polish?) Amelia asked softly, wincing at the cloth that touched her forehead.

"Tak," (Yes) she pulled the bright red cloth away, "I'm sorry for hitting you so hard. Are you feeling okay, Miss Davis?"

Amelia narrowed her eyes. "Skąd znasz moje imię?" (How do you know my name?)

The young woman chuckled. "Masz niezłą reputację, Amelia." (You have quite the reputation.)

Amelia hummed. "A skąd to wiesz?" (And how would you know that?)

The woman smiled and stood. "Colm will be down to see you in a few. I'd suggest you cooperate with him, and he might go easy on you." She picked up the bucket of water and began making her way to the stairs.

Amelia scoffed and looked at her surroundings. She was tied to a chair, so any means to escape would be very difficult. She saw a knife sitting on a table not too far away. She looked down at herself. Her gun belt was missing. She shook her head and the throbbing became increasingly more painful. She hissed as she tried to pull at her bounds.

Heavy footsteps came down the steps. She looked up just as a man she recognized all too well appeared. She chuckled as he smiled.

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