Chapter 82

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Amelia walked out to the living room and sat down on the couch. She sighed as she rubbed the tiredness away from her eyes. She heard footsteps approaching and looked up to see Arthur coming towards her with a two plates of food. He held one out to her and she accepted it gratefully.

Arthur sat down next to her and began eating his plate. After a few bites, Arthur looked up at her.

"You feel like goin on a road trip?" He asked.

Amelia looked over at him after she swallowed. "Depends where." She answered with a curious tone.



"Mr. Pearson."

"Right," Amelia smiled, "I forgot about that."

"Figured while we're over that way, we can stop in Saint Denis. Find that old hag, Grimshaw." He laughed.

"Be nice." Amelia shoved his shoulder.

"I'm just joking."

"When do you want to leave?"

"Figured we could go tomorrow."

"What about the business? Don't we have a few people coming to look at some horses?"

He shrugged. "Maybe. But we always have people coming here."

"That's true." Amelia took a bite. "One of us could stay back."

Arthur quickly dismissed her. "No, we travel as a family. That's how it's always been."

"I know, but-"

"We can close up the business for a couple days, Amelia. It wouldn't be the first time. Plus, we do have that sign that Erika and Nick built a couple years ago that we can hang on the front gate."

Amelia sighed as she looked down at her plate. "Okay, fine." She replied after a couple of minutes. "We'll leave tomorrow."

"Good." Arthur leaned over and kissed her cheek before returning back to his food.


The next morning, Amelia went out to get the horses with Nick while Erika and Arthur packed up clothes. Erika carried a couple bags of hers and Nicks clothes while Arthur carried his and Amelia's bag along with a bag of canned food. Amelia and Nick led the four horses up to the house. Erika and Arthur slung the bags over the horses rumps and took in a breath.

"We ready?" Arthur asked.

Amelia hummed, climbing onto Cowboy. "I think so."

"Where are we goin?" Erika asked as she climbed up on Sapphire. "You guys never told us."

"That's because it's a surprise." Arthur said with a smirk as he climbed up on Dove.


"No," Arthur laughed, "we ain't tellin ya."

Nick groaned as he climbed up on Bourbon. They began making their way out of Sheppard's Rise. They rode past Strawberry towards Riggs Station before stopping by the river that lead into New Hanover. They let the horses drink and stopped to stretch out their legs.

Erika was kicking her legs, trying to work out the knots as she looked up at her father.

"So, I'm guessing you aren't gonna tell us at all?"

Arthur shook his head. "If we told ya, it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?"

"I guess not," Erika mumbled, "but still."

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