Chapter 33

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Amelia stared at the Italian big man, waiting for a response. The man looked down at her with disgust before looking over at Dutch and Arthur, and then back down to her.

"A trap?" He chuckled. "N-no, of course not!"

Amelia shook her head. "Don't be playing that game." She replied, taking a step towards him. "This is your town. Your money. Your pride. And you want us to rob a trolley station that makes you money? Do you really think we're that stupid?"

"Amelia, I think that's enough-" Arthur tried to grab her arm, but she pulled her arm away.

"You think we're dumb enough so you can set the law on us, but guess what, Signor Bronte? We ain't that dumb. So unless you got an actual tip, don't be playing games with us. Remember. We're outlaws. We kill people for the hell of it. And you ain't no different from the people we've already dealt with, so don't act like it. Understood, Mr. Bronte?"

Bronte stared daggers into her as she stood her ground. "You better watch your back, Miss Davis. I know who you are. And I know what you do."

Amelia laughed. "And you think I care? I know who I am. And I know plenty of people who have it out for me, but yet I'm still standing here dealing with your dumbass and your puny little guards."

"Okay," Arthur pulled her away forcefully this time.

"We'll think about that offer, Signor." Dutch called back.

Arthur growled and stopped at the stairway, pulling Amelia in front of him. "What the hell do you think you're doin?"

"It's a trap, Arthur! How can you not see that?"

"We can see that, Amelia. But insulting him? What the hell is wrong with you?"

Amelia pulled her arm away from his grasp. He stared down at her with anger building up. She gave him the same look.

"I can handle myself fine. And that man?" She pointed to where Bronte was seated. "That man will be the death of this town, believe me on that." She sneered and lifted up her dress, heading down the stairs quickly. Arthur and Dutch gave each other confused looks and following behind.

Amelia joined Hosea and Bill on the balcony. They looked down at her with confusion before looking up at Dutch and Arthur as they joined. Dutch instructed them to go and mingle and not steal anything unless it was information. They all nodded as they made their way down the stairs. Before Amelia joined the bustling crowd, she felt a hand on her arm.

She spun around and came face to face with Arthur. He leaned down to her ear.

"Stay close to me." He whispered.

"I don't need a babysitter, Arthur-" she began.

"I know you don't. But we don't know this town, and we don't know what kind of people are here. Got it?"

"Got it." She mumbled.

"Good," he held out his arm, "shall we?"

Amelia nodded as she wrapped her hands around his forearm. Arthur looked down at her and let out a sigh.

"I ain't tryin to control ya, Amelia. I just want you to be safe, alright?"

Amelia simply nodded again and followed Arthur to a table. He picked up a champagne glass and a bottle. He looked at her and raised an eyebrow. She smiled and he poured her a glass. She took it gratefully and took a sip as he poured himself a glass. She looked up at him as he took a sip.

"Thank you." She said softly.

"For what?" He asked as he held out his arm.

"For caring about me. And for pouring me a glass of wine."

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