Chapter 98

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"Woah," Erika breathed out.

"I need to learn more about this," Nick said with a smile.

"Here," Charles handed over a newspaper he had saved about the ferry heist, "it doesn't go into great detail, but you might learn more about it."

The two siblings looked over and looked up at Charles with a smile. Amelia let out a slow breath as she looked up at Arthur. She leaned back into the couch and Arthur rubbed her shoulders lightly. Abigail looked over at John with a worried look. Hosea sighed as he looked between the two kids.

"It was a bloodbath. The Blackwater Massacre. A lot of the gang died. We were lucky to get out of there alive."

Amelia looked up at her kids. "Come on, we better get goin home."

Erika looked up at her mother. "But Momma-"

"We can come back tomorrow, come on." Amelia stood.


Arthur had taken Erika with him to check the mail the next morning. Amelia was still fast asleep when they left, seeing as she was fighting with her kids once they got home. Erika wanted to explore more about the gang, rummaging through drawers in the kitchen to see if she could find anything.

Once Amelia got fed up with Erika, she caught Nick in hers and Arthur's room tearing it apart looking for anything about the gang. This now involved Arthur yelling as well. Eventually, both of the kids got sent to their rooms for the night.

Arthur looked over at his daughter. He let out a breath. "You're not gonna talk to me?" He asked.

"I ain't got nothing to say." She mumbled.

"Erika," Arthur steered Dove in front of her, making Sapphire stop abruptly. "Don't be getting an attitude."

"I don't have an attitude-"

"Yes you do," Arthur added. "Drop it now."

Erika growled as she steered Sapphire around her father and his mare to continue on the road to Strawberry. Arthur shook his head as he followed her. He didn't think kids would be this hard to raise.

Once they got to Strawberry, Arthur tethered Dove in front of the post office and Erika followed her father's lead. She went inside with him to check the mail, seeing as she was still grounded and had to be in his sights at all times. She leaned against the wall as her father walked up to window.

"Hello, Mr. Morgan!" Hector greeted. "Here to check the mail?"

Arthur nodded. "Any good stagecoach tips?"

Hector shook his head. "Haven't been getting anything recently."

"That's a shame." Arthur replied.

"I have two letters," Hector said as he grabbed the letters. "One for you, and one for Mrs. Morgan."

"Who wrote to Amelia?" He questioned as he handed over the letters. Arthur looked at the envelope and furrowed his brows. "Her parents." He mumbled. He looked at the one for him. "David Geddes?"

"Your old boss?" Erika asked as she approached him, looking down at the letter.

"Yeah," he stepped away from the counter and opened the envelope.

Dear Mr. Morgan,

I am so sorry that this is out of the blue. But Angus suggested that we invite you to an event me and my family are hosting. You've done so much for my ranch, and the Geddes family is forever grateful. It will be held at my sister's house in Saint Denis.

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