Chapter 69

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Amelia tethered Cowboy to the hitching post while Erika and Joseph led Scarlett and Sapphire to the barn. Arthur was sitting on the porch steps, his head dropped as he leaned on his knees. Amelia took a seat next to him and let out a sigh.



They both said it in unison. Amelia smiled as Arthur chuckled to himself.

"You first." Arthur said softly.

"Erika wants to meet my parents." She looked over at him. "So I think it might do us good if they came back into our lives. I had some time to think about it while riding to Strawberry with her and Joseph. I was angry at first, but on the ride back, it became clear that maybe it's time to forgive and forget."

"I'm glad you think that," he sat up straight, "because I went against your word."

Amelia looked up at him. "Did you now?"

Arthur nodded and scratched the back of his neck. "I think it's a good idea to have them in the kids lives. They are their grandparents."

Amelia nodded. "I think so too. It's been a while. And I do miss them. But maybe slowly work towards having a relationship with them."

"I think that would be good for you. Don't rush into things when you aren't ready."

Amelia leaned against his shoulder. "Should we tell the kids?"

"Well," Arthur looked down at her, "they are gonna be meeting their grandparents for the first time so it's proper to do introductions first, right?"

Amelia laughed. "Right."


The next day, Amelia wrote a letter to her parents to meet up with them in Blackwater at the saloon so they could have dinner and catch up. Arthur decided to come along and John stayed with the kids. He helped them train the horses with the twins.

"Go easy on him, Nick." John said, watching as he rode Bourbon around the corral.

"He's doin fine, Uncle John."

"You're gonna get yourself bucked, Nick."

"How would you know?" Nick pulled Bourbon to a stop. "You don't even ride that much."

"Did you forget I used to be in the gang with your Pa?" John leaned on the gate. "Your Pa is the one who taught me how to ride a horse."

"Really?" Nick dismounted Bourbon. "But he's so strict about it."

John nodded. "He is," he began, "but that's because he loves you and he doesn't want you hurt."

"Bourbon would never hurt me."

"Horses can hurt you if you push them to that point."

"Has Rachel ever hurt you?"

"A few times," John looked over at her, "she's bucked me more times than I can count. And it definitely hurts."

"How bad?"

"You ever been bucked?"

Nick shook his head.

"Don't do it. You can really hurt yourself."

"But how will I know how it feels?"

"You won't," John stood straight. "Don't push Bourbon to that point." He turned and headed for the house where Erika and the twins were.

Nick growled under his breath before climbing back up on Bourbon. He was really curious on how it felt to be bucked. But he knew better than to go against his Uncle's orders. But he wanted to find out. So, against his better judgment, he began to spur Bourbon quickly around the pen. He had him jump over the pen and began spurring him around the property. But then, Bourbon started getting irritated. He began slowing down and stomping his hooves, slightly bucking. But then he full on launched Nick off his back.

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