Chapter 77

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The Morgan's arrived home late in the afternoon the next day. Amelia was the first to climb out of the stagecoach followed by Nick. Then Erika and last was Arthur. Amelia and Erika carried in the bags while Arthur and Nick sauntered up to the house. Amelia had put them both on strict bed rest until they completely recovered.

Once everything was inside, the girls went outside to lead the four horses out to the barn. Amelia took Cowboy and Bourbon while Erika took Dove and Sapphire. They put them in the pens and leaned against the stalls in the barn.

"Interesting road trip, huh?" Amelia said as she looked over at Erika.

"Interesting doesn't even begin to describe it," Erika said with a chuckle, "I would describe it as unpleasant and inadequate."

"You and those big words." Amelia said with a laugh. "Hosea is teaching you too much."

"We haven't seen him in a little while," Erika walked towards the barn doors, "can we go visit him after Pa and Nick get better?"

"Give them a couple days," Amelia followed her, "they'll be right as rain."

Erika nodded. "So when will we meet your parents?"

Amelia looked over at her. "Soon. I'm still trying to forgive them myself."

"Maybe if we meet them, we can be of assistance. Nick and Pa will be down for a couple days. Maybe they can come visit us at the house while they're getting better."

Amelia smiled and shook her head. "We'll see, sweetheart."


"Go on and get ready for bed."

Erika grunted before making her to way to the house. Amelia sighed and leaned against one of the pens. She crossed her legs at the ankles and dug in her pockets for a cigarette. She brought one of her legs up to strike a match on the bottom of her boot before lighting it and shaking out the match, throwing it to the ground. She took in a long drag and looked around the small homestead.

She couldn't believe her life. She had two wonderful kids, a loving husband, and a safe home. She had friends who were like Aunts and Uncles to her kids, and brothers and sisters to herself and Arthur. She loved this life. She wouldn't trade it for the world.


The next morning was slow. Arthur was the first one awake with a shooting pain in his head. He groaned as he rolled over, waking Amelia. Arthur reached up and touched the back of his head. Amelia pulled his hand away and he hissed as she pulled him up, rolling over to sit on his thighs, her legs straddling his hips as she pulled his head down to look at the back of his head. She moved his hair to see the scar on the back of his head.

She hummed, touching around the area lightly. "It's still healing," she said softly before pulling his chin up, "don't be touching it."

"Why are you touching it?" He said as he looked up at her.

"I'm not," she chuckled, "I'm touching around it."

"Well quit it," he pulled her off of her by her waist, "it hurts."

"It's gonna hurt, dummy." Amelia sat up halfway, using her elbow as leverage. "You got knocked out twice, not to mention hitting the back of your head on a sharp rock, then getting hit with the butt of a rifle."

Arthur growled as he laid back down on his back. Amelia sighed as she looked down at her husband. She smiled as she ran her hand through his sandy brown hair. "Do you want some coffee?"

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