Chapter 86

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"I can't do this alone, Amelia, so I'm asking if you'll join me." Sadie paused. "Please?"

Amelia sucked in a deep breath. She looked in the kitchen doorway where Erika was standing listening in. Arthur was looking at her with a confused expression from where he sat on the couch. Amelia laid the rag down on the counter and looked over at Sadie.

"I have to think about this," she said slowly, "let me talk to Arthur first."

"Course." Sadie tipped her hat before making her way outside. She paused at the doorway and turned around. She pulled a poster from her coat pocket and handed it to Amelia. "That's his bounty poster."

Amelia took it and Sadie said her goodbyes and left. She laid it down on the coffee and began making her way back to the kitchen. She heard Arthur stand and make his way to follow her.

"Bounty poster?" He said. "You're goin after bounties again?"

"I-I don't know, Arthur."

"Amelia," he walked over to her, "I know how much you love taking bounties, but what example will that send our teenage kids? They're already curious about the gang, who knows what they'll do when they're older."

"It just depends on how much his bounty is."

"Who is it?"

"Amos Bell. Micah's brother. He's running with Bill."

"Micah's brother?" Arthur widened his eyes. "No, absolutely not-"

"The money might be good-"

"You ain't goin after Micah's brother-"

"Why not?" Amelia stared up at him. "The money could be good."

"And what would we do with that money?" Arthur looked around. "We have a perfect life here. We raise horses, we sell them, our kids are happy, we're happy, what else do we need, Amelia?"

"I'm not saying we don't have a perfect life." Amelia took in a deep breath. "I love the life we have here. I wouldn't trade it for the world. But I'm getting bored of sitting here at home waiting for buyers to show up. I need something on the side."

"And you think bounty hunting is the way to go?"

"I can't exactly be a hired killer, now can I?"

"Our kids need a good example. Erika is already a spitting image of you beside her hair and eye color and she's starting to act like you more and more everyday."

"I know, Arthur. I know. But what else could I do on the side?"

"There's plenty of options-"

"Like what?" Amelia turned away and walked to the back door.

"Where are you goin?" Arthur yelled.


Arthur grumbled before walking over to the couch. He spotted the poster in the coffee table folded up and laid the bloody rag in the bowl of now lukewarm water. He picked up the poster and unfolded it.

Amos Bell, age 54, wanted for murder, rape, and theft. $10,000 reward for the capture alive. Believed to be running with Bill Williamson, age 50, previously running with the now disbanded Van Der Linde Gang. If seen, report to authorities immediately. Proceed with due caution.

Arthur shook his head as he laid the bounty poster down. Erika came in from her bedroom and let out a breath.

"Is Ma gonna go after that man?" Erika asked.

"I don't know." Arthur sat down. "I don't want her to."

"I don't either." Erika took a seat next to her father. "I hear Uncle John saying how dangerous bounty hunting is. And Aunt Sadie does it for a living."

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