Chapter 38

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Amelia had traveled to Rhodes. She walked inside the saloon and sauntered over to the bar. She sat down on a bar stool and Mr. Welding looked up at her.

"Back again, Miss Davis?" He put a shot glass on the counter in front of her.

She nodded in response as she threw a coin on the counter. He filled the shot glass with whiskey and took a step back. Amelia downed the shot and slammed it back on the counter, requesting a refill. She threw several coins on the counter to keep them coming.

After four shots, she slid the glass away, signaling she was done. The bartender gave her a look as he picked up the glass.

"You okay, Miss Davis?"

"Yeah," she said after a minute, "just needed a few drinks."

"Okay," he replied, throwing a rag over his shoulder, "anything you wanna get off your chest?"

"Nothin that concerns you, Mr. Welding."

"You sure? I'm a pretty good listener."

Amelia smiled. "Yeah, I'm sure."

"If you say so," he grabbed the rag from his shoulder, "but just so you know, I'm sure whatever is happening, it'll get better."

Amelia hummed. "I'm not sure it will," she paused, "but thank you." She stood from the bar and made her way towards the front door. As she walked out, she saw two boys walk towards her. They were O'Driscolls. She let out a sigh and began walking around to the back, whistling for Astrid to follow.

Just as she made it around the building, a gunshot hit just above her head, making her duck. She looked up and saw Colm walking towards her with a smirk. He aimed his gun at her.

"How lovely it is to see you again, Miss Davis." He said hoarsely.

"Wish I could say the same, Colm."

"You lied to me," he replied as he stood in front of her, "and I don't like liars." He brought his gun to her face and hit her with the grip right across the nose. She yelped in pain as she brought her hand up, catching blood in her hand. He grabbed her by the back of her hair and forcefully lifted her head to look him in the eye. "Now," he began, "what should we do with you, Amelia?"

Amelia stayed silent as blood slowly dripped down her face.

"Nothing?" Colm chuckled. "Good."

Without hesitation, Amelia went for her pistol on her hip and brought it up to his head. She hit him hard in his temple, causing him to go down to the ground.

"First rule when you wanna kill someone," Amelia began, "make sure you disarm them." She kicked his gun out of his hand into the woods behind the saloon. She aimed her gun at him and leaned down, taking his knife from his holster on his belt. She threw it in the same direction she kicked his gun and crouched down, keeping her pistol aimed at him. "Now, what should I do with you, Colm?" She mocked him.

"You can get ready for your last words." He chuckled.

Amelia looked behind her and saw the two men out front run towards her. She quickly grabbed her other Semi Automatic and shot them both in the head, her first one still aimed on Colm. She looked back down at him and kicked him the head.

"I should kill you right here right now for what you did to me and that poor kid," she hissed, "but lucky for you, I'd rather make you suffer first." She pointed her pistol down to his leg and fired.

He screamed out as she fired another bullet into his other leg. She chuckled as she holstered her two pistols. She began walking away. She whistled for Astrid and climbed up. She looked down at Colm.

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