Chapter 16

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It's been a week since Amelia sent out the letters. She took Astrid out for a ride to try and calm down her anxiety before heading to the train station to check the mail. Her mind was everywhere at the moment. She was afraid of the outcome. Her parents would either be angry or happy to hear from her. She wasn't quite sure.

She tethered Astrid outside the train station and began making her way up the ramp. She walked inside and went to the counter. Walter smiled at her as he looked up from his book.

"Amelia." He said tipping his hat. "You have mail."

Amelia immediately began fiddling with her fingers as Walter reached underneath the counter and grabbed a letter. He handed it to her.

"From an Aryanna Davis."

"Thank you." She took the letter and turned to walk outside. She sat down on a bench and opened the letter.

"My Darling Daughter,

I'm so happy to hear that you're still alive! We've missed you terribly since you left. Your father and I have been so worried that you may have been killed. It's been too long.

The butler informed us on what happened. We were devastated to hear about those men who took you. We had every lawmen out searching for you for weeks! But I'm so happy to hear that you got away.

Amelia, darling, please come home. Your father and I have been so lonely since you left. We miss you so much. And we would love to see you again. We still live in the same house we did when you were growing up. We couldn't bear to sell it since you've been gone.

Love, Mother"

Amelia sighed as she set the letter down. She ran her fingers through her long blonde hair before stuffing the letter back in the envelope.

She hadn't even noticed that Dutch had approached her until he cleared his throat. She jumped, looking up at him.

"Dutch," she pressed a hand to her chest, "you scared me."

"Sorry, Miss Davis," he gestured next to her, "may I?"

"Course," she watched as he took a seat next to her.

"What do you have there?" He pointed to the envelope.

"Just a letter from my parents." She slid the letter underneath her. "Do you often travel a lot?"

Dutch nodded. "Quite often actually."

Amelia hummed. "What about Arthur?"

"He travels more than I do to be honest," he chuckled, "why?"

She shook her head. "No reason," she laughed a little, "just curious."

"I heard tale of a bounty hunter," he lit a cigar, "heard that was you?"

Amelia nodded. "That would be correct."

Dutch hummed, seemingly a little more relaxed. "You also a hired gun?"

Amelia nodded again.

"Well, I hope you know I have a pretty high price on my head."

"I do know that."

"And you haven't brought me in or told?"

Amelia laughed. Dutch was confused as her laughter got louder.

"What so funny?" He questioned.

"You think I would turn you in?" She said through her laughter. "Sure the money is tempting," she continued, "but you've been kind to me and I ain't got a reason to turn you in, Mr. Van Der Linde."

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