Chapter 91

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"Amelia," Hosea pried her hands away from her face, "Amelia, Amelia, listen to me," he wiped away her tears, "Erika is going to be fine. It wasn't life threatening, okay? Okay?"

"M-my daughter-" she stuttered.

"I know, I know, but the Doctor already said that the bullet wound wasn't life threatening."

Amelia sucked in a breath. She began pacing around, frantic and panicking. Sadie stood and walked over to her. "Amelia, she'll be okay-"

"How could you bring her here?" Amelia turned around to face her. "My daughter could've died because you brought her here!"

"She wasn't giving me a choice-"

"You're the adult!" Amelia yelled. "You have the authority, not her!"

"Amelia, calm down-" Hosea took a step towards her, but she backed up quickly.

"Don't touch me!" She recoiled away from his touch. "Don't fucking touch me! I will put a bullet in your skull if you take one more step!"

Hosea let out a breath of irritation and defeat. He stared at her as she glared at him. She turned and stormed out of the doctor's office. She began pacing on the porch, trying to calm herself down. It wasn't working. At this point, she was hyperventilating. Hosea heard her heavy breathing and walked outside, seeing her slumped against the side of the building. He quickly took out his canteen and touched her shoulder.

"Drink." He said sternly. She followed his orders, taking in deep gulps of the water. She felt her body relax as she finished the canteen of water. She let out a heavy breath and rubbed her face. "Feel better?" He asked.

"I-I need a minute." She said softly as she sank to the ground.


"Just give me five minutes, Hosea." She looked up at him. "Please."

Hosea looked down at her and sat down next to her. He took in a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh. Amelia groaned as she leaned her head against the wall.

"It wasn't Sadie's fault." He looked over at her. "You know that right?"

"Sadie let her-"

"No, she didn't." Hosea began. "She told me that she tried to talk your stubborn daughter out of this idea she had. But she wanted to do it. Whether Sadie was going with her or not. And you know when Erika wants something, she's gonna do it no matter what."

Amelia chuckled lightly. "She gets that from me, doesn't she?" She looked up at Hosea.

He nodded with a smile. "She doesn't get it from her father."

"I can't believe she wanted to go after that man. How stupid is she?"

"Now the stupid part definitely comes from her father."

"And the fact that she knew what he was capable of."

"It was irrational, illogical, and downright dumb." He looked down at Amelia. "But I must say, I admire her dedication and commitment to what she wants."

"She's certainly lucky to even be alive at this point." Amelia looked away. "All the dumb shit she did as a child, and even dumber shit she's doin now," she chuckled, "I don't know how she hasn't learned her lesson yet."

"Well, sometimes they have to learn the hard way. With Nick, he broke his arm and now he's too scared to even spur Bourbon too fast. Erika, getting shot. Let's hope she's learned her lesson after this."

"If she hasn't, I'll beat her."

Hosea laughed. "Just don't kill her."

Amelia snickered. "No promises."

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