Chapter 56

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Seven year old Amelia followed her mother and father to the front door of their new house. They had just moved into their new house last week. Her father had struck rich with his business and decided it was time to move. They had just hired a friends brother as their butler and was giving him a tour of the new house today. Amelia was excited to meet him and show him around the house while her parents discussed their plans with money.

A knock sounded at the front door and Amelia rushed to open it. She smiled at the young man. His name was Richard, and he was thirty five years old. She smiled brightly and looked up at her parents. Her mother had an approving look on her face as she looked up at the well dressed man.

"Welcome to our home, Richard."

"A pleasure to be here, madam."

"Please, come in." She gestured to the inside of the house. "My husband, Sebastian, and our daughter, Amelia."

"It's very nice to meet you." Amelia gave a curtsy.

"It's lovely to meet you, Miss Davis." Richard smiled and bowed to the young girl.

"Amelia," her mother leaned down, "why don't you show Richard around the house, your father and I need to discuss important matters."

Amelia nodded happily and looked up at the young man. "Come on! We can see my room first!"

Richard laughed and followed the young girl up the stairs.


Fourteen year old Amelia was sitting at the dinner table while her mother prepared dinner. She was reading a book while her mother cooked. Her father came through the kitchen to the dining room and took a seat next to his daughter. He pulled the book down to announce his arrival.

Amelia smiled. "Hi, daddy."

"Hello," he said, letting go of the book, "you seem really caught up in that book of yours."

"Richard lent it to me." She laid the book flat on the table. "Said I would really like it."

Her father hummed. "Well, we don't take books to the table, Amelia."

"Dinner isn't ready yet-"

"The least you can do is sit here and talk to your father while dinner is being made."

"Why?" She stood. "The only thing you're gonna talk about is either booze or what I'm doing wrong. So what makes you think that I would be willing to talk to you."

"Amelia-" he stood.

"No." She picked up her book and made her way through the kitchen towards the stairwell.

"Amelia Davis!" Her mother yelled. Amelia turned around to face her mother. "Get your ass in here now!"

"Why?" She held her book tightly. "I'm not going to sit in there if you two are gonna fight with me!" She turned around and jogged up the steps quickly. She went to her bedroom and slammed the door, locking it. She heard footsteps coming up the stairs and a light tap on the door.

"Amelia?" Richard's voice rung out from the other side of the door. "It's Richard."

Amelia took in a sharp breath and unlocked the door, opening it slowly. Once she saw Richard's face, she broke down in tears. He quickly walked in, wrapping her in a hug. He closed the door behind them and hugged her tightly, shushing her tears.

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