Chapter 18

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Aryanna stared at her daughter before looking down at Sebastian. She sighed as Ruth went around to help him to his feet.

"That ain't my daughter!" He yelled, pushing Ruth away from him as he regained his posture. Ruth looked at Aryanna, unsure what to do with the drunken man.

"Take him to his seat. I'll be with you in a couple minutes."

"Yes, Ma'am." Ruth took Sebastian by the arm and began leading him to the carriage they were seated in.

Aryanna looked back up at Amelia with curious eyes. Arthur was getting out bandages and began wrapping Amelia's cut hand before looking up at the woman. He looked down at Amelia.

"You want me to stay?" He whispered.

Amelia shook her head. "No, I'm okay." She replied softly, clutching her injured hand.

"You sure?"

Amelia nodded.

"Alright," he patted her shoulder, "I'll be at our seats, okay?"

"Thank you." She looked at her mother as Arthur walked away. She took in a breath before stepping over the broken glass. She stood face to face with Aryanna before letting out a sigh. "Hi, Momma."

"Amelia," she sighed, "I-I don't even know what to say, you're here." She smiled.

"Yeah," Amelia glanced down at her hand, "I'm here."

"Darling," she gestured to a table next to the bar, "what're you doing here?"

"I boarded the train last night," she took a seat, "I was coming to see you guys in New York."

"We were on our way home from a trip." She shook her head. "You're father-"

"Is still the drunken fool he used to be." Amelia turned her head away from her mother.

"Amelia, be kind to him," she let out a breath, "you can imagine what he was going through when we received those letters."

Amelia stayed silent as she looked out the window of the carriage. She shook her head as she stood.

"I ain't sure what to do-"

"You mean I'm not?"

Amelia raised her eyebrow.

"And what's with the trousers? What happened to all your beautiful dresses?"

Amelia looked down at her outfit. She was wearing a white shirt that rolled to her elbows and brown ranch pants that were held up with white suspenders. She wore black heeled boots under her pants with white accents along the rim. Her gun belt was filled with bullets and they held two holsters with her signature Semi Automatic pistols and a knife on her hips. She also wore an additional belt above that one that had a silver buckle with a horse on it. Her hair was loosely down surrounding her back with the platinum bright color. Her black hat was hanging from her belt and she unhooked it and placed it on her head before looking back up at her mother.

"Pants are more comfortable-"

"It's not lady like, Amelia," she arched her brows, "me and your father did not raise you like this."

"You guys hardly raised me at all." Amelia mumbled, tilting her hat down to cover her eyes as she looked away.

"We tried, sweetheart-"

"No," Amelia chuckled and shook her head, "no, you didn't." She stood and faced her mother. "You were too hooked on drugs and daddy was drunk all the time! You know who raised me?"

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