Chapter 53

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Amelia woke up to a damp cloth being pressed on her forehead. She opened her eyes, looking around at her surroundings. She was still in the forest, and she spotted Amberley with a mustang. Was that- Maggie?

She looked over to indeed see the young Lenny pressing a cloth to her forehead. The young man gave her a weak smile.

"Glad to see you're awake. Was worried you weren't gonna make it."

"Lenny," she let out a breath of relief. She was glad to see him. She tried to sit upright, but the throbbing in her forehead became increasingly stronger.

"Hold on," he said quickly, "don't sit up yet."

"What the hell happened?" She reached up, touching the slight bump she now had on her forehead.

"Ran right into that tree branch." He pointed to a tree not too far away from them. "Brought you down from your horse, knocking you out. Surprised it didn't kill you with how hard you hit."

"Yeah, well," she forced herself upwards, "I guess I'm lucky then."

"I'll say," he chuckled, helping her to a stand, "why the hell were you goin so fast anyway?"

"Some bastards jumped me and Arthur while heading towards Blackwater," she groaned, "told him to run with Nicholas and I'll hold them off. And I did. Shot most of em till they started high tailing it and then I go down." She chuckled.

"Nicholas?" He questioned.

"Our son," she paused looking over at him. His eyes lit up with joy. "That's right, you weren't at the party." She smiled.

"You and Arthur have a kid?" He gleamed.

"Nicholas Hugh," she looked down, then back up, "he just turned one."

"How did I not know about this?"

"Guess you were the only one Arthur didn't tell," she paused, realizing something, "shit, Arthur." She quickly ran over to Amberley. She climbed up and looked down at Lenny. "You wanna help me find him?"

"Yeah, of course." He climbed up on Maggie and followed Amelia across the river. "You wanna start at Beecher's Hope?"

"The hell is that?" She asked.

"It's where the Marston's and Hosea is staying. Same with Charles." He scrunched his nose. "I think Sadie stops by there too."

Amelia nodded. "Yeah let's go look there."

Amelia let Lenny take the lead and followed him to a property surrounded by a gate. They rode in and Amelia's heart skipped a beat when she saw Nicholas. He was sitting on a crate next to Hosea, who was talking to him softly. His eyes went wide when he saw his mother.

"Momma!" He screeched as he climbed through the gaps in the front porch towards Amelia.

"Oh, Nick," she quickly climbed down from Amberley and caught him in her arms. She lifted him up and kissed him all over. "I'm so glad you're okay," she whispered, hugging him tightly. She set him down and looked around. She then looked down at Nicholas. "Where's daddy?"

"Inside," he pointed to the house.

As if on cue, Arthur bursted out of the front door. He was yelling at Charles.

"I'm going out to look for her!" He yelled.

"Arthur, your son needs you here-"

"And my son needs his mother!"

"Arthur, Amelia can handle herself fine," he grabbed his shoulder roughly, "Nick needs you here."

"She's pregnant, Charles! She needs me out there!" He looked over to see Amelia holding Nicholas. He stared for a moment, making sure it was really her. "Amelia," he jumped over the porch and bolted his way to her. He engulfed her in a hug, kissing her head repeatedly.

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