Chapter 80

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Amelia stared at Nick in shock at his question.

"You tryin to get me more pissed off, boy?" She hissed.

Nick raised his hands in surrender. "It was just a simple question."

"We tell you and your sister all the time," she laid her coffee cup down, "we ain't talkin about that life we lived anymore."

Nick hummed. "Okay," he said as he folded his hands in front of him, "but can you just hear me out for a few minutes?"

Amelia let out a breath as she looked up at him, crossing her arms again. "Okay."

"Erika is getting mighty interested in what that life was about," he began, "or as she put it, 'the outlaw code' that you, Pa, and everyone else lived by, now I know you don't like talkin about it-"

"So what is there to uncover here then?" She asked.

"But I think it would be slightly beneficial and educational for me and Erika." He looked over at her. "We ain't asking for much, just a little insight on what you and Pa used to," he paused, "participate in, sort of."

Amelia chuckled lightly. "I'm cutting you off from bein around your Grandpa Hosea, my darling son." She began making her way out of the kitchen.

"Ma," he walked over to her, "please. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for us. We can't ask anyone else because we don't see them enough. Aunt Abigail would just yell, Uncle John is an idiot, Grandpa Hosea is old, and Uncle is a drunk. Please." He pleaded.

Amelia inhaled sharply. "Alright," she breathed out, "alright."


"Hey, Pa?"


"Do you and Momma ever wish you guys were still in the gang?"

Arthur looked over at Erika from where he rode on Dove. He took in a breath before letting it out slowly. "I have my moments," he admitted, "but this life I have with your mother and you two," he looked down at her, "well, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world."

"But do you ever wonder if it would've been different had you guys stayed?" Erika questioned.

"Where exactly is all this coming from, Erika?"

"I'm just curious, is all." She began. "I mean, you used to be a gunslinger, Momma was a hired gun and bounty hunter. There so many things that me and Nick hardly know about. Nick will be moving out soon, I'm almost seventeen, and yet, we know nothing about you guys besides the people who were in the gang that we know today."

"You wanna learn about the gang?" He looked forward.

Erika nodded. "Sorta. I mean," she spurred Sapphire forward a bit, "we ain't gonna do that sort of thing. If anything, it's impulsive and dangerous. But learning about it, I mean, that would be extraordinary and exciting, not to mention educational."

"We don't like talking about it because of how impulsive and dangerous it was to begin with. You know that." Arthur sighed. "But, I suppose I can talk it over with your mother. But I ain't gonna make any promises. Your mother hates reliving that life just as much as I do."

"I know," Erika smiled, "I know. That's why we haven't really pressed on it too much. But like I said, Nick will be moving out soon and I'm almost seventeen. It's better we know about it so we can avoid it."

Arthur raised his eyebrow. "This is strange, and I don't like it."

"Don't worry Pa," Erika laughed, "I barely know how to use a gun. It's the same with Nick."

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