Chapter 93

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Arthur walked in the train station, seeing Hosea just handing the letter over to the clerk. Arthur smirked as he approached the older man.

"You ain't done yet, old man?" He asked.

"I just posted it." Hosea replied with a chuckle. "How is Erika?"

"Well, she was able to walk on her own at least. She was scared to do it by herself at first, so I helped her to the door and then she walked back to the bed by herself," Arthur laughed, "felt like I was watching her take her first steps again."

"I remember that day." Hosea laughed. "Amelia and you came over freaking out and I couldn't understand a damn thing either of you were saying so you finally set Erika down and she stood up and walked right over to me."

Arthur let out a hearty laugh. "And then Abigail started crying because she was so happy."

Hosea smiled. "That day was a good day."

"It was." Arthur followed the older man outside the train station. "So, any sign of Mrs. Adler?"

Hosea shook his head. "Not today. I'm sure she's just fine where she is. She probably went back to Beecher's Hope."

"Damn," Arthur stuck his hands in his pockets, "I was hoping I could thank her for being here with Erika. Even though she brought her down here, I'm glad she was with her regardless."

"How much longer will Erika have to stay here?"

"Doctor said a week. He can't take the stitches out of her stomach yet, otherwise the wound won't heal properly. Amelia ain't too happy about it."

"I figured that it would be a while till she can go home." Hosea gestured to the saloon. "You wanna grab a couple drinks before we go back to deal with your pissed off wife?" He joked.

Arthur snickered. "Sure."


Nick wandered around the Marston's home worried out of his mind. His family has been gone for three days and he hasn't heard anything. Even Abigail was starting to get nervous. He walked into the kitchen where his Aunt was washing dishes.

"I need to go." He said.

"Nick," Abigail turned towards him, "we've been over this. I'm sure they're fine. But you going over that way isn't going to help the situation, now," she walked over to him, "I want you to go sit down and do something to take your mind off of it."

"My family-"

"I know, honey," Abigail touched his arm, "I know. They're my family too, but as I said, I'm sure they're perfectly fine."

"How do you know that? They could be dead, my sister-"

"Letter came in." John said as he walked in the door. He went to hand it to Abigail, but Nick grabbed it, opening it quickly as he walked towards the front door.

"Nicholas!" Abigail yelled.

Nick walked out the front door and sat on the porch steps as he read over the letter.

Dear John and Abigail,

We are perfectly fine. Arthur and Amelia are at the doctors in Armadillo with Erika and I'm right here next to them. Sadie has left, I'm assuming she went home, but I'm not sure.

Something happened to Erika, but don't worry. She's awake, she's walking and talking on her own. I'm sure the Morgan's will explain when they come home. It'll be about a week still. But I just wrote this letter to let you know that we are all okay. We'll come home soon.

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