Chapter 73

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Erika and Jane were the first ones awake the next morning. Erika sat up off the bed and yawned as Jane shifted in the extra bed in the room. Erika sat up and dangled her legs over the bed. She smiled up at Jane as she sat up.

"Good morning," Jane said before she yawned.

"Morning." Erika smiled before getting off the bed. "I'm gonna go see if anyone else is awake."

Jane nodded. "I'm gonna sit here for a minute," she laughed.

Erika chuckled lightly and went for the door. She stepped outside and shut the door quietly before walking down the hall to her parent's room. She pressed an ear against the door and heard shuffling coming from inside. She stepped back as she heard footsteps approaching. The door then opened and her father jumped, startled.

"Jesus, Erika," he let out a breath and pressed a hand to his chest, "what the hell are you doin?"

"I was comin to see if you or Ma were awake." She said softly.

"Your Momma is still asleep," he stepped outside, holding his boots, "but don't be sneaking up like that." He shut the door quietly. "Bout gave me a heart attack, girl."

"Sorry, Pa."

"It's okay." He ruffled her mess of brown curls. "Is Jane awake?"

She nodded. "She's still trying to wake up."

"What about the boys?"

Erika shrugged.

"I'll go look," he leaned down and slipped on his boots. "You and Jane get dressed."

She nodded and went back for the room. Arthur crept down the hall and carefully opened the boys bedroom door. He saw Nick digging through his clothes before grabbing a pair of jeans and a shirt. He picked up his boots and stood up straight before noticing his father. He quietly crept over and stepped outside, shutting the bedroom door.

"Joseph is still asleep." He said softly.

"That's alright," Arthur stepped past him and made his way to his and Amelia's room. "Get dressed. I'll meet you downstairs."

Nick nodded and went for the bathroom. He stopped when he saw Erika about to go in. Erika stopped and stepped away. "You can go ahead."

"I'll wait." Nick gestured to the bathroom with his free arm.

Erika smiled and nodded. "Thank you. I won't be long."

Drew came out as Erika shut the bathroom door. He was dressed for the day and ran his fingers through his beard before noticing Nick leaned against the wall outside the bathroom. He smiled and approached the seventeen year old.

"Are you waiting on the bathroom?" He asked.

Nick nodded. "My sister is in there."

"Go ahead and use my room."

"Are you sure, sir?" Nick asked, uneasy.

Drew nodded. "Just don't touch anything."

Nick nodded. "Thank you, Mr. MacFarlane." He began walking towards the older man's room. He walked inside and shut the door.

By the time he was done getting dressed and walked outside, Erika came out, tying up her long brown hair. Once she was finished, she grabbed her clothes and knocked on the bedroom door.

"Come in!" Jane called from the other side.

Erika came in and walked over to her bed. She picked up her bag from underneath the bed. She dragged it out and laid it on the bed. She turned and smiled at Jane, who was packing up as well.

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