Chapter 88

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"What in the world has gotten into that girls head?" Abigail hissed as she followed Arthur down the steps of her house.

"She's your niece." Arthur replied.

"And your idiotic daughter!" Abigail retorted. "I swear that girl is more like you everyday."

"You mean her mother?" Arthur looked back at her.

"No," Abigail followed him to the barn, "I mean you. Running off doing stupid shit is more like you."

"Bounty hunting was Amelia's thing."

"She's a mix between the both of you." Abigail said as she opened the barn doors. "But in my opinion, she's more like you, Arthur." Abigail looked between Amelia, Charles, and Hosea. "Any ideas?"

"Well, I can track her," Charles began, "but that might take a while."

"Amelia, you said Sadie gave you that poster?" Hosea asked.

Amelia nodded. "She came by yesterday with it."

"John," Hosea snapped his fingers at the father, who was sharpening his knife, "any idea where Sadie is staying?"

"Strawberry." John pushed himself to a stand. "At the welcome center, last I knew."

Amelia sighed as she ran a hand through her curls. She walked out the barn doors, ignoring calls of her name. She was worried out of her mind. She felt like snapping on anyone who even dared to push her limits.

"Sweetheart." She heard Arthur's footsteps approaching behind her. "Amelia?" He began to lay a hand on her waist but she recoiled away from him.

"Don't touch me!" She yelled, backing up, "just don't."

"Honey, it's gonna be okay-"

"Our daughter is out there trying to get herself killed!" Amelia yelled. "Don't you dare tell me that it's gonna be okay! Don't you fucking dare!"

"Amelia, calm down-"

"How can I be calm about this?" Amelia began pacing. "Our daughter. Our sixteen year old daughter, Arthur!"

"I know, Amelia. I know. She's an idiot, she's irrational, and she's hotheaded, just like you!"

"Like me?" Amelia scoffed. "The hotheaded part comes from you! I don't know where the hell she got the irrational idea to go after a fucking bounty." Amelia threw her hands up.

"She got it from you."

"No," Amelia laughed, "this is not gonna be put on me." She stood face to face with her husband. "You're the one who had to tell her about the time I almost died after going for that female bounty!"

"If we wouldn't told them anything about it in the first place, this wouldn't be happening!" Arthur yelled.

"They would've found out eventually!"

Hosea and Abigail watched them argue from the barn doorway. Hosea crossed his arms and leaned down.

"Should we," he paused, "do something about this?"

Abigail shook her head. "No. They need to work it out."

"It looks like it's getting worse." John pointed out from behind them.

"They'll be fine," Abigail assured, "they're a married couple. Let them fight it out."

"But what if it gets physical?" John asked.

"Arthur wouldn't do that." Hosea said.

"How would you know?" John asked again.

"Because he's Arthur," Hosea looked back at the man, "have you ever put your hands on Abigail?"

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